The Art of the Problem Solver

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP is an international law firm with 16 offices located in major financial centers around the world. The firm was established in 1946 and has been expanding globally ever since. Cleary Gottlieb is a prestigious firm that has won countless awards and accolades over the years. This firm is where Linda Rivera works as a graphic designer, along side a team of other designers for the firm. Graphic design is defined as the art or skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, or books. Within Cleary Gottlieb Rivera works, in her cubical with numerous computer monitors, on several ads and design projects. She truly has a passion for the arts, and she is fortunate to be able to expresses her passion every day at work and during her free time.

How do you define what a graphic designer does?

A graphic designer is a problem solver. They take whatever idea a client presents to them and try to use their skills to create the idea in an interesting and appealing way. It is our job to bring others ideas to life.

When did you first think of becoming a graphic designer?

I first thought of becoming a graphic designer during my sophomore year of college. At first I was a fine arts major and I knew that I wanted a job that was involved in the arts. I wanted a job that would allow me to be creative and actually make art so I turned to the path of graphic design. I am a very hands-on person and I am very happy with my choice.

So you did study art in college. What were the courses focused on?

There were many credits you had to get in order to fulfill the fine arts major. So a lot of the classes were on general arts methods like topography, visual arts, and page layout. You also learned to use different programs on the computer.

What brought you to Cleary Gottlieb?

I originally lived in Florida where I worked for a small design agency and then when I moved to New York I became part of this large firm. The major difference is the designs are more centered toward the house than to a specific client.

What does that term mean the house?

It means the firm the central home and destination for the designs.

Then what exactly do you do specifically here at Cleary Gottlieb?

Well primarily we design for the firms needs, its not like can we accept outside clients individually. We tend to organize displays and ads for the firm’s lawyers. The lawyers use them for their presentations and seminars. A lot of the ads that the team works on are for Cleary events. Cleary sponsored this and that, like the American Civil Liberties Union and the Women’s Working Group.

What is the order of command in the office?

Mark Mullin is our creative director while Victor Vergara is lead designer.  After those two there is the rest of the team. I am an ordinary designer.

What do you feel is a theme in your work?

My work personally is very organic and felt with nature. It is different from what I do at work. At work I follow a certain protocol that fits the firm’s needs, but has my own touch.  I like using a lot negative space and color. My designs are very centered in a modernist style.

What inspires you?

I am inspired by a lot of different artists and find myself being interesting in so many different styles. Like I enjoy going to the MoMA to see a bunch of pieces. I also go to any exhibit I could find, a lot of new galleries lately.

How do you feel about some of your competitors’ work? How do you feel about some of your peers’ work?

How do I feel about my competitors’ and peers’ work? That’s an interesting question. The work done by other firms I think is very similar to that of Cleary Gottlieb. Victor Vergara is a great artist he is the lead designer here at Cleary Gottlieb, he takes on some of the major projects. I really enjoy his work because he has a style all of his own.

What are you working on lately?

Now I am working on the company holiday card and some of the animation for its e-card. You were waiting for me while I was in a meeting where it was brought up. I could show some of the work after the interview.

I also noticed in the office there was a poster hanging on the wall, what is that about?

Oh yes, the Wranglers poster. That is actually the poster from last year’s event. Wranglers is a private event like a roast that the lawyers attend each year. I am glad it caught your attention.

Okay, are you working on anything individually?

Yes, I like to work on pieces outside of my job. So lately I have created some new pieces that I would like to display in galleries around the city. It doesn’t really matter where I just want my pieces to be seen.

Can you tell me more about these pieces? I mean I know you design on the computer.

No, these are not computer designs. I do like to paint as well, so they are paintings, like paint on canvas and they do go along with my style of nature and modernism.

How does being in New York affect your work?

That’s a hard question. Um well I can’t really say that being in New York has affected my work in any way. Like I said I moved from Florida to New York, but I’m not sure if the move really changed my artistic view. My work comes straight from me and changing my scenery would not change that.

If being in New York doesn’t affect your work, are there any pieces specific in New York that catches your eye?

I really enjoy certain pieces of graffiti done around the city, especially Bansky the mysterious graffiti artist.


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