Sound Transformation – Alice in Wonderland

The goal of our sound transformation was to embody the Alice’s changes from reality to dreams in the 1951 Disney movie “Alice in Wonderland.” In the beginning of the clip we hear Alice’s calm reality, however quickly after, she falls down a rabbit hole and things transform into this hazy, confusing, dream-like state. There are some parts from the movie and sound effects in the audio clip to reflect the plot in the movie, such as Alice changing sizes, the Cheshire cat, and the Queen of Hearts. As the clip goes on, the music becomes more eerie and chaotic because of the events that Alice was facing, such as escaping from the Queen. As much as there are parts that are sequential, there are also parts that have no order. This was to signify how crazy and all over the place the Alice’s dream-like adventure was. Since the movie was very confusing and strange, we tried to incorporate that into our soundtrack with sudden bursts of music.

By: Christine Yan, Margaret Wang, Shirley Yau

Demi Lovato. “Gift of a Friend.” MP3. YouTube. 04 Sep. 2009. 25 Oct. 2013.

Avril Lavigne. “Alice.” MP3. YouTube. 29 Jan. 2010. 25 Oct. 2013.

Alice in Wonderland Soundtrack. “Little Alice.” MP3. YouTube. 02 Mar. 2010. 25 Oct. 2013.

Alice’s Curious Labyrinth. “Painting the Roses Red.” MP3. YouTube. 27 Dec. 2009. 25 Oct. 2013.

Shinedown. “Her Name is Alice.” MP3. YouTube. 02 Mar. 2010. 25 Oct. 2013.

Aly & AJ. “Zip-a-dee-doo-dah.” MP3. YouTube. 15 Feb. 2005. 25 Oct. 2013.

Alice in Wonderland Soundtrack. “Alice’s Theme.” MP3. YouTube. 02 Mar. 2010. 25 Oct. 2013.

The Jacobins. “Running Into Circles.” Lucio Westmoreland. 28 June 2013. MP3.

Motion City Sountrack. “Always Running Out of Time.” Almost Alice. Buena Vista Records. 2 March 2010. MP3

Alice in Wonderland Soundtrack. “Only a Dream.” MP3. YouTube. 02 Mar. 2010. 25 Oct. 2013.

Alice in Wonderland Soundtrack. “The Final Confrontation.” MP3. YouTube. 02 Mar. 2010. 25 Oct. 2013.

3OH3 Ft. Neon Hitch. “Follow Me Down.” MP3. YouTube. 02 Mar. 2010. 25 Oct. 2013.


Sound Transformation – Alice in Wonderland — 5 Comments

  1. I love the use of the morsels of vocals, gulping sounds, and wicked laughter. This is a great embodiment of Alice in Wonderful. The confusion and ethereal themes are represented really well in the sound effects. Great job.

  2. I love your song choices for this! If i close my eyes, I really can picture exactly what is going on in your sound transformation. Awesome job!

  3. I definitely heard what you were going for. I too like the gulping sounds and the maniacal laughter along with the alarm clock. This could honestly be the soundtrack for a AIW movie. Great job! Was that Willy Wonka I heard?

  4. That is pretty ambitious of you to try and do Alice in Wonderland. Great job though, I don’t think I could have done a sound bite this well. It definitely reminded me of the story.

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