Mood Diary: Nosferatu

Watching Nosferatu was quite interesting because I don’t usually watch black and while films. Meanwhile, I love the whole antique aspect, and at times it’s very fun to watch silent films because it almost adds a comical aspect to the film. Although the movie is a bit creepy due to the story-line involving a treacherous vampire, it’s still a bit funny to see the characters interacting in a silent manner because all of their actions are so exaggerated.


Another aspect of I enjoy of watching films like these, besides the dramatized actions, is that it brings me back to times of simpler, older sitcoms. I am a huge fan of old sitcoms such as I Love Lucy, Blossom, Full House, and Saved by the Bell. Therefore, watching things with an old flare makes me happy. Obviously, Nosferatu is much simpler than many of the things we watch nowadays, but I still greatly appreciate this movie and all the older sitcoms for their work. If we consider the times they were created in, each of these pieces definitely took a lot of effort and was a masterpiece.


While watching this piece, I was finally able to connect Nosferatu to Spongebob which may seem a little strange. Meanwhile, I was a huge Spongebob fan a few years ago, so I enjoy finally being able to tell who the man was that was playing with the lights in the horror scene. In addition, the entire episode of Spongebob when he was terrified at his job was kind of horrific. It was also quite suspenseful, reminding me of this movie full of strange occurrences. I think it’s really cool to be able to watch a movie and then connect it to one of my favorite cartoons. It’s a fun aspect to be able to stop watching Spongebob, but still find myself making connections to episodes I had previously watched.

Finally, I’d like to add that one thing I particularly hate in any piece is losing a character. Thus, watching Emma sacrifice herself was really upsetting. I understand that this needed to happen in order to stop Nosferatu, but I can never justify the loss of a character in a production, so this made me feel sad. In turn, this makes me question the purpose of penning such a story and what the author was trying to get across.



Mood Diary: Nosferatu — 1 Comment

  1. I also immediately thought of Spongebob when I heard the name of this movie and thought of the stupid image of the vampire turning the light switch on and off. I like old movies, especially black and white silent films so I didn’t have such a problem with it, but I do agree with you that because it was old, it had a certain flare to it. Emma’s sacrifice also raised a lot of emotion in me because it was such a strong move on her part and showed how she was strong as a character. And lastly, I do agree with you that considering when this movie was made, it did take a lot of effort and it lets us appreciate the film that much more!

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