This short film tells the story of the journey of a young man named Rudolph, who has issues with being separated. He longs to be accepted in his dance troupe, but unfortunately, he is quite literally the odd man … Continue reading
Joanne Ramadani
The competitors face each other across the large, square table, the harsh fluorescent light glinting off of their glasses. Their eyes are dark and serious, their eyebrows narrowed in determination. Their fingers are poised, ready to fire at a moment’s … Continue reading
As an opener, I’d like to say that deconstructing the piece felt much better than putting it together. The three images I used in this animation symbolized the themes of life, desire, and death. The sun peeking over the horizon … Continue reading
I wasn’t particularly scared by Nosferatu. The video’s description said something about horror film fanatics calling it the scariest horror film ever, but I didn’t get frightened, and I’m usually the one who opts to stay under the covers during … Continue reading
Dennis M. Size is a lighting designer and the Senior Vice President at The Lighting Design Group, Inc. He has over 30 years of experience as a lighting designer, and, before working at The Lighting Design Group, Inc., worked at … Continue reading
I read the libretto version of The Nose first, and I was in two moods the whole time: confused or amused. Sometimes both. The entire opera was rather confusing—I mean, it started off with a nose baked into bread. How … Continue reading
Picture this (you probably won’t have to look too far): it’s hot outside. More than hot, it’s the hottest week of the summer (sound familiar?), and your dependence on air conditioner is less of the usual idleness and more of … Continue reading
Matilda: The Musical began awkwardly, a child’s birthday party with hurried pacing, off-time dancing, nearly-adequate diction in singing, and strange interspersing of song-and-dance numbers with theatrical events. However, by the curtain’s close, these minor irritations were corrected beautifully—I would have … Continue reading
Unflinching, deliberate, and conscious of its source; Metamorphosis ballet sings in movement and Watson steals hearts with expressions.
Silence is golden—at least, that’s what the proverb says. But a different kind of silence can be even more valuable and beautiful: a silence filled with the echoes of a single chord(D major)’s dying breath, as imagined in Yves Klein’s … Continue reading