Metamorphosis Mood Diary

The metamorphosis by Kafka is not your average story. A man turns into a roach for no reason. But what really surprised me was how nonchalant Gregor was about it. He sees his squirming legs and was all “Oh I’m late for work” when he should be:

When he lived under the couch as an insect, I felt really bad for him. To me his transformation into an insect was a way of conveying how minuscule his importance is in life and his simple worker mentality. Despite the horrific circumstance he is in, he thought only of work, not his own well-being. This made me think of him being a cog in the machine.

He seemed to have no real significance because his existence was taken for granted by his family and employer.

When looking at Gregor’s life as an insect, this image came to mind

This is a patient living on life support. When Gregor became an insect, he was biologically alive. But because he could no longer express himself and was shunned by his family, Gregor was dead to them.  He had no personality or uniqueness to his family He had become a burden, a memory of the past, living like a vegetable.

Gregor’s transformation seemed to complete a metaphor that Kafka intended to use to compare an unremarkable person’s life to an insect.


My Reaction to Metamorphosis

While reading Kafka’s Metamorphosis, I found myself becoming increasingly depressed as time passed and Gregor only became more burdensome to his family.


Of all the characters, I identified with Gregor the most. He was eager to work in order to financially support his family even after his transformation, and tried nobly to open his bedroom door only to be found horrid and unsightly by his sister and parents. I thought it was particularly awful when his mother fainted at the sight of him.

I felt encaged and empty, like Gregor, when he was trapped in his room, gradually losing all purpose in life. He ceased to eat, and became more dejected as the furniture that defined the essence of his life was removed.


As the story progressed, I continued to hope that there would be a happy solution to Gregor’s condition, and that he would magically transform back to his human self. However, his family lost faith in the idea and no longer wanted anything to do with him.


I was especially disappointed with Grete, who seemed to be the most promising and caring at the beginning of the story. At the end of Metamorphosis, she admitted that she could no longer pretend that Gregor was still with them and, upon his death, the family moved on as if Gregor had never existed, which broke my heart and left me with a feeling of hollowness.


The Mood Diary to Metamorphosis

I could never have imagined the giant cockroach, Gregor becomes without this image from the cartoon show, Courage the Cowardly Dog. courage-schwick8
Of course my image of Gregory’s transformation was less vile and evil when compared to this cartoon character who was a villain. I would have much rather preferred this cartoon picture to a more realistic one. This is because early in life I realized the correlation between the size of insects to directly related to my dissatisfaction toward them. A cartoon version changes my view of Gregory and makes it much more bearable.

Gregory’s concern for making it to work on time and supporting his family invoked these two images:


The running businessman represents Gregor, who is extremely stressed on time because of his company’s strict policy for punctuality. Even though he became an insect, he pays no attention to his change. He is more concentrated on the risk of losing his job if he fails to make it to work on time. The sand hourglass references the saying “time is money.” This is exactly how Gregor feels and probably more so than others because of his family’s financial situation. The moment the chief clerk sees Gregor’s new form is the moment he loses his job and all the sand in the hourglass runs to the bottom.

The sound I heard when his family turns his back on Gregor is horrific.


Over time his family slowly distances themselves away from him. His father attacks him with an apple and his sister stops taking care of him. Instead of feeling love for him, they see him as a burden and eventually his death frees them. Familial love is extremely important in this case because it did not hold. In the youtube video the glass is allowed time to fall and finally shatter. This is how I saw and heard Gregor’s relationship to his family gradually deteriorate over time and then break.

Gregor suffers both physically and emotionally from the people he once supported and cared for. Although the treatment toward him is especially harsh in the story such as when his father attacked him and nearly killed him, their behavior is understandable on some level. His family faced an unknown element. For the lack of a better image, I provided an image of space to represent the unknown.



We don’t know everything about space and it is less tangible to us. When we think of the unknown, we feel fear. Since we don’t know, we are unable to own or control it. This inability leads us to the feeling of fear. Fear can be brought up if we acknowledge the existence of something we have little to no information about. At the same time, it may spark other feelings such a curiosity. Gregor’s transformation is a mystery to his family and his large insect form is something that is unknown to his family and those around him. Of course his insect form may play a part in his family’s  radical decision to no longer consider him a part of the family, but the unknown element played a part as well. His mother shows signs of fear and surprise when she sees her son for the first time after the transformation, which is understandable. Most of us would  not be able to stomach the fact that someone close to us suddenly became a cockroach. This is strange and unheard of and we fear it. This fear and element of unknown plays a part in the growing distance that is created between Gregor and his family.

Overall I enjoy the book, but it was depressing how his family’s view of him become worse as the story progressed.

I’m not sure if I have to cite the link, but just in case here are the links to the media I used:×350.jpg×7681.jpg

Citations Corrections:
“Courage in the Big Stinkin’ City.” Courage the Cowardly Dog. Cartoon Network. 7 Dec. 2000. Television.

Danielsson, Daniel. “‘Glass’ Shatter.” Online Video Clip. Youtube. Youtube, 6 Mar. 2009. 11 Sept. 2013.

I am unable to find the creators of above images.


Defining me

I chose this image because one of my favorite subjects is math.

I chose this image because one of my favorite subjects is math.volleyball-net_500_copyrightOne of my hobbies is playing volleyball.

This picture was taken at prom with some of my closest friends.


My name is Adona Pjetergjoka and I’m 18 years old. My birthday is on the first day of summer. I was born in Albania and came to New York at the age of four. I’ve moved three times, but lived only in Queens. When I first came to America, I lived in Woodhaven and now I live in Kew Gardens. Before I came to Baruch College, I attended Townsend Harris High School.  In high school, I enjoyed math and science subjects. I didn’t play any sports in high school, but I was involved in a few clubs, such as Key Club and Free the Children. I almost wanted to be pre-med, but I decided I’m more interested in business. As of now I am thinking of majoring in finance.

I have a pretty big family and we’re all really spread out. I have family in New York, Connecticut, Detroit, Albania, Italy, Greece, and England. I visit Albania about every other summer. I have a 4-year-old brother and a 21-year-old sister. My brother just started kindergarten and my sister attends Barnard College.



Who am I?

To whoever is reading this – Professor Sheehan Saldaña, fellow IDC classmates, avid Eportfolio users – my name is Nicolette (or Nicoletta, as my big fat Greek family would call me) Belitsis. I’ve lived in New York all my life; I was born right here in Manhattan, Mt. Sinai to be exact. I lived in Flushing, Queens until the 3rd grade, when I moved to Manhasset Hills, Long Island…a 10-15 minute drive away from my old house. Yet, I’m honestly in Queens so frequently – much of my family lives in Flushing, Bayside, and Douglaston – I still consider it home.

Speaking of family, they are such a giant part of my life. I have 9 first cousins, ranging from 2 to 22 years old, and they all live no more than 30 minutes away from my house. Thus, I see them very often. As a matter of fact, this past weekend my second cousin from my mom’s side got married. That means my extended family from all over the world – Greece, San Diego, COSTA RICA – came to New York. To put it simply, it was a hectic weekend. If you still can’t picture what it’s like reuniting, and even meeting members of a huge Greek family for the first time, this may help:*

(*my mom’s side of the family doesn’t have that many Nicks, it’s more Michael or some form of the name Evthoxia. It’s my dad’s side that is loaded with Nicks, hence my name.)

Although my family comes first, there are many other important things in my life! I love my friends from high school, and miss them so much. We’re all counting down the time until we’re reunited again!!

Here’s our “crew” in the Hamptons!


197277_10151480250896774_2071674723_n I miss these girls soooooooo much!


One of my other big interests is music. I cannot even imagine a world without music. I’m one of those people that really enjoy a variety of music – anything EXCEPT COUNTRY. My favorite type of music is indie and I’m so excited to be seeing one of my favorite bands, Vampire Weekend on September 20th! (if you don’t know Vampire Weekend, THIS is one of my favorite songs by them.)


I feel as if I could go on and on about myself, but I’m very tired after this long weekend of family. This past hour has been my first hour alone since Thursday. I’m so excited to be starting this school year off, and I can’t wait to see what Macaulay has in store for me! I can’t wait to get to know the rest of you better!

Here’s one last picture. This one is one of the many photo booth pictures my sister, my cousins, and I took at the wedding last night!



A Snippet about Me (and maybe other things)

I was born in the States, but I didn’t start living here until I moved here in the middle of fourth grade. For the past eight years, I’ve lived with my relatives while my parents distributed imported ball bearings in Guangzhou, China. I went to Stuyvesant High School and was in a somewhat love-hate relationship with it.

There are a bunch of things people might find interesting about me, but I’ve decided to use this opportunity to proselytize the love of my life – manga.



A watercolor portrait of a character from the manga Principal by Ikuemi Ryo.

I know that doesn’t say a lot, and I ‘ve only shown a bit of the world that is Japan’s wonderful manga culture. I’m not known for sticking to my interests. But manga is something that I never got tired of since I became aware of it. It’s changed my outlook on life in some ways. For those of you that know close to nothing about it or know something about it but decided for some reason to pass on it, don’t! If you ask me for a list, I’ll give you one.

I look forward to all the special things we’ll experience because of this class!



My name is Hanna and I’m a native of New York City, hailing straight out of South Shore Staten Island. This is my view at home:


Basically I live in a forest.

My parents are very Soviet and immigrated from St. Petersburg, Russia in 1990. I’ve only been there once and although they’ve always described it as an apocalyptic abyss of suffering, its actually a really lovely, lavish European city.




vs. This









I am a self-pronounced Francophile and have been steadily practicing French for 4 years. This is a great French song I just discovered 2 days ago:

I’m pretty interested in reading and writing. Sometimes I draw, too. I really loved the book on art that Macaulay gave us from free- it has some of the most fascinating explanations of art I’ve ever read.

Really good, guys!

And here is a picture of me weeding lettuce while WWOOFing in Israel:



Only if you really want to.

Yello everyone! My name is Edward Mordechay and I forgot what we are supposed to do so here goes nothing. I was born in America to Jewish parents who emigrated from a small town in Azerbaijan.


Quba is located in Azerbaijan

I take great pride in my history and culture because I want to represent the fruits of labor of all that have come before me. I grew up speaking one language, Gorsky, and then went on to learn English at school. One thing that bothers me is that my teachers have told me my writing resembles a foreigners, which I had never realized and still can’t see; nonetheless, I have accepted it and see it as what makes me unique.

I have lived my entire life in Brooklyn and have never really gone anywhere else. I studied at Edward R. Murrow High School (if only I had a middle name with an r!) where I basically only did school related work all the way up to the last few months of my senior year. I hope that will be different at Baruch where, once I’m comfortable, I will be able to make some awesome friends and have a life outside the classroom. Last year I entered the Intel competition with a paper I wrote on hand gestures and their effects on learning new vocabulary. I never truly understood what it was to be a researcher because it is 90% reading and 10% actually doing. It takes a lot of patience and time, but even euphoria cannot begin to explain the joy in finishing a paper that took nearly two years to complete,

I am unsure what I want to pursue as a career path, but I was thinking of majoring in computer informations systems, but I would truly like to learn programming and follow a degree in computer science. Time will tell.

I am one awkward person and talking with me will be weird at first, but everyone I know lived so I think you guys could to. Honestly, I constantly question the point of college and garnering a career so I hope you guys can express to me the necessity of all of this and why it’s best. I will truly be indebted to all of you if you could help me learn something new about myself.



Hi, my name is Shixu Zheng, a newbie in Macaulay at Baruch. I went to Francis Lewis High School and I am currently living in Flushing.Fortunately, last two years has been smooth and constructive for me. Having been China for sixteen years, I am still technically very Chinese: I am shy , traditional , a little bit reserved when talking , and sometimes still  not confident in speaking English. The reason why I said the past two year was “smooth” is I was still a big nerd in high school,so I mainly focused on academic pursuit. Also I was living in a Chinese neighborhood, which is a comfort zone for me where I didn’t have to overcome my language barrier.However, I like to challenge myself in a different setting like Baruch, where now I have to work harder,but also play harder!


The most hilarious but also the most life-changing even about my life in America would be meeting my father.Even when my mom was still pregnant almost twenty years ago,my father had been to the States to earning our livings. My father never went back to China due to various job-related issues. It was extremely awkward when I met him at Chinatown, I didn’t call him “Dad” for unknown reasons, maybe it was a really strange vocab for me. After reunion, we headed to Queens and my dad tried his best to get me into an outstanding high school and rent a house.   Since my mom and  I haven’t met him for such an unbelievably long time, there were a few times of major conflicts between my families that our landlords expelled us away due to disturbance. I have been to Bayside, Fresh Meadows and right now I am in Flushing. I like traveling but it doesn’t come to an conclusion that I like unsettling. One day I would be the one to buy a big big big house for my family. Now I value more on what I have been given by my family than what I want from environment. I believe Baruch would provide me a stage where I have to push myself out of my comfort zone to go far beyond.


I love music and art. One of my regrets so far is that I have never been able to learn any type of musical instruments or painting. People look so engaged and charming  when they are playing the guitar and singing to their friends. Fortunately, I could do part of it. I am fond of singing since singing is another language, another bridge to our heart.It could be inspiring, soothing, depressing and so forth, depending on how you express the lyrics.  I’d like to sing when I am taking a shower , which is sometimes annoying..

I hope you guys will enjoy the first semester in Baruch with me.   -3- love you all.