Living in an urban setting influences the way people interact with their environment. There are challenges and disconnects between the natural surroundings and the artificial ones, and the way these things are taught in the classroom are not always inclusive of that fact. A 2010 study published in the Journal of Park & Recreation Administration examined the impact of a environmental education activity program on Georgia students. The researchers qualitatively analyzed the students’ eco-affinity, eco-awareness, and environmental knowledge through a series of questions. We employed their model to see what impact the BioBlitz had on Macaulay students at CCNY. We conducted a survey that asked the participants to reflect on their attitude towards the BioBlitz, their eco-friendly habitats, their appreciation of biodiversity, and their confidence in their knowledge of environmental issues.
Corrin Chow, Kelly Garland, Patrick Jedrysek, Oneeka Kahn, Alina Migirov
Kelly O’Donnell, Logan McBride
City College
BioBlitz, education, learning, students
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