Posts Tagged ‘Human Activity’

Garbage Analysis of Prospect Park

December 21, 2014

Throughout the course, we have brushed up on urban spaces that have been created to make an overpopulated place like New York City a sustainable space in which to live. Parks are one of these urban spaces where we can keep in touch with our Earth system and remain in sync with the environment in […]

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Garbage Inspection of Prospect Park

December 21, 2014

Our goal is to understand a possible association between the types of trash and the locations of randomly selected transects within the park. We hope to shed light on the use of the park based on demographics of people and how the trash left behind reflects social background, as well as interest in being in […]

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Examination of Prospect Park’s Artifacts

December 21, 2014

Prospect Park, an urban park in Brooklyn, New York, was created in the1860s as a place for social congregating and for admiring nature. Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux were responsible for designing Prospect Park and Central Park, and today Prospect Park is maintained by the Prospect Park Alliance, a nonprofit organization formed in 1987. […]

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“Garbage”- Human Activity in Prospect Park

December 21, 2014

New York City creates around 14 million tons of waste annually, most of which ends up at waste disposal sites including landfills, (Sylvan, Municipal Solid Waste in New York City). This creates a host of problems–limited landfill space, increased levels of greenhouse gases produced by sanitation vehicles, and contamination of soil and water supply. While […]

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Impact of Human Activity on Biodiversity in Central Park

December 12, 2014

“Our objective was to analyze the different types and population counts of species in Central Park and determine to what extent different human activity influences levels of species diversity throughout the park.” Julia Buczynski, Katherine Chiu, Siena Edwards, Sherry Oommen Tara Cornelisse, Jennifer Corby Brooklyn College Biodiversity, Central Park, Human Activity, Google Earth, Bioblitz

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