Posts Tagged ‘pollution’

The Cost of Air Quality: A comparative analysis of air quality and income in New York City

December 15, 2015

Lower income neighborhoods in New York City have historically been known to have higher populations and less green space than their higher income counterparts. They also frequently serve as targets for waste disposal and locations for factories, factors which contribute to environmental pollution and health problems for local populations. This unequal exposure of hazardous materials […]

2015 | 2015 Posters | Tags: , , Comments (0)

The Effects of us on them: A study on the impact of human presence on plants in urban parks

December 23, 2014

This project looks at the impact of air pollution, water pollution, and human maintenance on plants in urban parks. Sara Louie, Lisa Maldonado, Samantha Ong Professor Brian Ford, ITF Bronwyn Dobchuk-Land City College humans, pollution, plants

2014 | 2014 Posters | Tags: , , Comments (0)

Examining Environmental Factors Affecting Fish Species in NYC

December 18, 2014

This group analyzed abiotic environmental factors between the bodies of water in CPL and NYBG. These included pH, dissolved solids, and visible pollution. The group also examined water samples for algae particles and microscopic pollution. These experiments coupled with statistical analysis of the 2013-2014 Bioblitz data give a clearer picture in determining the relationship between […]

2014 | 2014 Posters | Tags: , , , , , , , , Comments (0)

The Difference in the Amount of Bat Recordings in Various Locations Within the New York Botanical Garden

December 18, 2014

This study will examine the bat activity in the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG), located in the Bronx. Although the NYBG has a variety of ecosystems that would be found in nature, it is also embedded into the urban landscape. Human activity, light pollution, and noise pollution are factors that could affect the activity of […]

2014 | 2014 Posters | Tags: , , Comments (0)

Woburn, MA: The Case of Anderson v. W.R. Grace

December 11, 2014

Lawsuit is brought against local tanneries after water contamination is found to be causing leukemia in Woburn, MA. Laura Benasaraf, Amanda Bernstein, Tiffany Christian, Lisa Wong Angelo Lampousis, Aaron Kendall City College environmental litigation, pollution, water, contamination, leukemia, massachusetts

2014 | 2014 Posters | Tags: , , , , , Comments (0)

Cleaning up NYC

December 11, 2014

Densely populated areas such as New York City often accrue high levels of pollution. Polluted waterways and air negatively impact human health, as well as the surrounding environment. While not as commonly recognized as sources of pollution, the abundance of light and noise created by the urban landscape can also have a detrimental affect to […]

2014 | 2014 Posters | Tags: , , Comments (0)