Jolene's blog

Carnegie Hall

 I would love to have more to say about the Carnegie Hall concert, but classical music, although ACJW wasn't exactly classical, is not something that I can relate to or talk much about. I played many musical instruments as a child so I understand musical phrasing and can identify famous classical pieces but every single time that I go to a concert like that I fall asleep.  I just cannot relate to that kind of music.

Madison Square Park

59th street subway

I did not know that i was in for a surprise when I decided to go home for the weekend. I needed to get to the West Side and completely unintentionally I happened to be in the 59th street subway station transferring from the 6 to the Q.  As I turned a corner to walk up a flight of stairs, there it was; a HUGE mural of tiles colored in all of the basic colors. I remembered then that Professor Bergman had posted a blog about a new installment in the 59th St station.

Joseph O'Connor

 When Professor Bergman instructed us that we needed to go Joseph O'Connor's reading I had no idea what to expect. Literally no idea. I had never been to a reading before, I didn't even know what one was. Who Joseph O'Connor was, was a mystery and i was a little bit trepidatious. Anyway, I got there for the reception and the food was adorable. It was tiny little sandwiches and cheese, crackers and cookies.

But I digress. The experience of my first reading was inspiring. The format was very structured and formal at times and at others extremely ..............


Joseph O'Connor

 When Professor Bergman instructed us that we needed to go Joseph O'Connor's reading I had no idea what to expect. Literally no idea. I had never been to a reading before, I didn't even know what one was. Who Joseph O'Connor was, was a mystery and i was a little bit trepidatious. Anyway, I got there for the reception and the food was adorable. It was tiny little sandwiches and cheese, crackers and cookies.

But I digress. The experience of my first reading was inspiring. The format was very structured and formal at times and at others extremely ..............


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