maxilia's blog
SNAPSHOT Galley @ Macaulay
Submitted by maxilia on Sun, 12/13/2009 - 19:30Last Sunday, I attended the Macaulay Snapshot gallery of the photographs taken on October 11. Seeing as I had to be at the school by 9am , I expected some significant tasks to be presented. However, for the most part I found that the event was unorganized. To begin, there were no clear groups formed, instead it was up to the individual to make the group. Next, there was no clear leader who directed the students or really explained what was to be done. Everyone seemed to be going around with their own business.
American Museum of Natural History ( indepedent event 4)
Submitted by maxilia on Sun, 12/06/2009 - 19:23On saturday in the blistering cold, I decided to visit the American Musuem of Natural History. Though I basically froze on my way over there, it was definitely worth the trip, especially with the virtually free admission (donation). I first visited the area dedicated to astronomy and apart from reading just about the stars like the temperature of the Sun (6,000 F), I got to weight myself. Apparently my weight in some specific planets was less than a single pound, in fact it was .1 of a pound. So this was a litte fun deed to go about doing.
House of the Dead Opera
Submitted by maxilia on Fri, 12/04/2009 - 14:27Firstly, I must say that this was my first experience at an opera and it was definitely not what I had expected. I guess I had imagined a stereotyped version of the opera in which a rather thick woman dominates the stage and sings until her lungs can give no more. Yet, this opera was different on various levels. To begin, the show was mostly composed of men. Next, the singing was actually not as loud as I thought it would be ( I imagined it might be a bit unbearably loud, I guess expect some superpower voice). Thirdly, the performance greatly resembled a theatrical showing.
House of the Dead: First Impressions (1)
Submitted by maxilia on Sun, 11/29/2009 - 18:07As I was reading Memoirs from the House of the Dead, I could very much relate with one factor the narrator pointed out. This point was the idea that prison work was not so difficult nor it did it require a lot of man power. What made prison work so cruel and unbearable was the fact that it was obligatory and not complying meant punishment. I found that when the narrator realized this, I completely agreed with him.