American Museum of Natural History ( indepedent event 4)
On saturday in the blistering cold, I decided to visit the American Musuem of Natural History. Though I basically froze on my way over there, it was definitely worth the trip, especially with the virtually free admission (donation). I first visited the area dedicated to astronomy and apart from reading just about the stars like the temperature of the Sun (6,000 F), I got to weight myself. Apparently my weight in some specific planets was less than a single pound, in fact it was .1 of a pound. So this was a litte fun deed to go about doing.
( This is the chinese bridal chair. I forgot my camera, so I only had my phone to take a picture)
I then visited the sectiond dedicated to Asian History and it was really cool to see the different cultural pieces. One art piece I remember was made by using stone printing. In essence, one has a wooden base with carvings and then you pass paint over it in and print it on paper. By manipulating colors, they were able to achieve different effects. Also, I saw this chair that was supposed to be usd by a Chinese woman before she got married. It was truly beautiful and breath taking. I learned that in the morning the bride to be sits on this bridal chair given to her by the groom's family. This chair represents the prestige of the groom's family whereas the dowry represents the bride's prestige. Upon the wedding, the groom may have never seen his bride and the bride no longer belongs to her father's family after married.
Also in the museum, I took time to see the skeletons of animals that are extinct and other fossils. The whole experience was very neat and a cherry to my saturday day.
- maxilia's blog
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