itzkevinn's blog
Photography Exhibit
Submitted by itzkevinn on Thu, 09/17/2009 - 09:26Having the opportunity to visit the Photography Museum yesterday was truly a great experience to view “art” in a different form other than drawing and paintings. The day started out a bit complicated for me because I didn’t receive my cultural passport yet. The ticket lady gave me a hard time, but eventually, I was able to pass through because of the kind security guard. After entering the exhibit, I explored around the exhibit with a couple of classmates and realized the art that was contained in all of the photos around.
Manhattan Bridge!!
Submitted by itzkevinn on Mon, 09/14/2009 - 13:50Above is a picture of the Manhattan Bridge, which connects Manhattan and Brooklyn. I stopped to take a picture of this beautiful bridge because the best pizza lies just a couple blocks from where I am. The pizza store called “Giovanni’s” has supposedly the best pizza in New York! Everyone should go and try Giovanni’s, it’s amazing. Below the bridge, there are train tracks; bike lanes and a pedestrian walk way. If one gets the chance to go, he/she should take full advantage of seeing the bridge and the surroundings around.
My first blog entry
Submitted by itzkevinn on Mon, 09/14/2009 - 13:41wow, i can't believe i'm blogging right now.
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