itzkevinn's blog
Independent Visit #3: Museum of Arts and Design Paper Exhibit!
Submitted by itzkevinn on Sun, 12/06/2009 - 19:08Let me start by saying I have never been so lost in New York in my life. Since I've never taken the train to Columbus Circle by myself, I didn't know where to go after I got off the train. I walked in all four directions before asking someone and realizing that the museum was just across the street from the circle! As I walked in to the museum, the counterperson gave me a hard time by saying that the Macaulay passport would not be free admission. I argued for a good 5 minutes before she finally called someone and realized she was wrong.
House of the Dead Opera
Submitted by itzkevinn on Sat, 12/05/2009 - 22:55Let me start off by saying Lincoln Center is absolutely just gorgeous. Even though it was raining, the sight of the center was just amazing. It was like nothing i've ever seen before. The seats that were provided to us by Macaulay were also absolutely amazing to enhance our visit to the Opera. It was my first ever Opera and it was one to remember. I was told by a few of my classmates that the very own Meryl Streep was present in the Opera sitting in the 4th row. I didn't get to see her for myself though. The atmosphere in the Opera was just absolutely incredible.
Independent Event #2: New York Historical Society
Submitted by itzkevinn on Sun, 11/29/2009 - 22:25Last week, I visited the New York Historical Society with a couple of friends. At the museum, I visited the Lincoln exhibit and the John Brown exhibit. I had never used my cultural passport to get into any museum free, this was my first time. It was quite amazing to have VIP like passes within my possession. Throughout my life, history was never a part of my interests, but I was clearly fascinated with some of the valuables that they had within the exhibits.
Independent Event #1: Precious
Submitted by itzkevinn on Sun, 11/29/2009 - 18:01Last week, I went to go see the film Precious. Before last week, I had no idea what the movie was nor did I know what it was about. However, Stephanie brought the idea up to go watch it along with Natasha. The three of us walked to the theater to watch Precious which was featured in Sundance, Toronto and Cannes Film Festivals. It won many awards and was based on a novel titled Push.
Madison Square Park
Submitted by itzkevinn on Fri, 11/20/2009 - 23:25Before last Tuesday when I visited the Madison Square Park, I had no idea what the park contained other than shake shack. I've walked through the park only once in my whole life before Tuesday, but I never really took the time to stop and look at the statues and sculptures and other forms of art within the park. As I walked through the park, I realized the beauty of nature that surrounded the park. There were tons of trees in all different colors along with tons of grass. There was a circle of water which I was confused about because I didn't know what it was there for, it was just there.