
fall for dance

I realized I never wrote about Fall for Dance which I really enjoyed ! I love to watch dance and so I was naturally excited to go see Fall for Dance. Out of all the performances, my favorite was the reinterpretation of Afternoon of a Faun dance just because I thought it was really unique and different. It was quirky and odd and I was just staring trying to figure out what it all meant. I know a lot of people thought it was homoerotic, but I saw it different I thought it was more like two fauns loving and nurturing each other regardless of gender.

Yoga to the People

For two weeks now I have been going to Yoga to the People right by Astor Place. The Yoga to the People philosophy is simple" Yoga made available to everyone. On their site it states:

serenity in the busy NYC

Walking down the streets of New York I find that everyone is hurried and rushing to get somewhere. There is always an agenda and a time constraint. The people are so caught up in the hustle and bustle that they may forget to stop, look around, and notice the beautiful things that surround them.

I am proud to say that I am not one of these people. Maybe this is due to the fact that I am not from New York and have only lived here for two months. Whatever the reason, I find it easy to stop and notice the wonderful settings and situations that surround me.

fall for dance

Even though we saw the ballet performance a while ago, the third act is still very vivid in my mind. I had never seen a ballet before, but I had certain expectations about what ballet would be like. I was not particularly interested in ballet, or in dance in general. I did not anticipate seeing anything like the last act – the more modern dancing. Instead, I had imagined the third act – the traditional ballet routine. When the couple came out and started to dance, or “float,” as I saw it, I was speechless.

The Contrast

Thursday night I went with my friend Ruth from John Jay to the Metropolitan Playhouse. She had to see this play for her English class and had no idea on how to get there. I didn't really know the area either, the theater being in the Lower East side; however, the subway map I always keep with me has made me the expert of the two of us on how to get through the city. 

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