NLopez786's blog
American Folk Art Museum
Submitted by NLopez786 on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 16:44Last week a couple of us wanted to go to the MoMa to see the Tim Burton exibit. However, none of us realized that the MoMa is actually closed on Tuesdays! (Just so everyone knows... it is!)
So we were about to give up when we saw another museum right by it, The American Folk Art Museum. I don't think I've ever noticed this before, but American folk art has very specific characteristics, or at least that's what I picked up from viewing the art there.
Submitted by NLopez786 on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 00:42A couple weeks ago, Stephanie reccomended a film called Precious. I don't see films too often, so I usually don't know what's out, but I had heard of this film from my sister who is very up to date with this medium. As we waited for it to begin, we looked it up and found out that it was featured in the Sundance, Toronto, and Cannes Film Festivals. I then thought, "ok, it'll be worth it" and it DEFINETLY was!
String Quartet
Submitted by NLopez786 on Thu, 11/19/2009 - 14:53I was happy that one of this event was right here in Baruch. I was surprised to see that there were older people attending. I assumed it would have been students from Baruch or other campuses. The music was really beautiful. I admire the violin and other string instruments so much because I find it so incredibly hard. Not only do you have to know what to touch but you need to know how to play it. A lot of skill must be involved in that. I also really liked the kind of music. I find classical music to be so calming, yet thought provoking at the same time.
Submitted by NLopez786 on Thu, 11/19/2009 - 14:22This past Sunday I went to the MOMA with my family. Since my mom wasn't working, I decided to invite them to see Les Demoiselles D’Avignon with me. I had been to the MOMA before, but didn't really remember the experience since I was much younger, so it was like my first visit.
Paper Exhibit
Submitted by NLopez786 on Thu, 11/12/2009 - 18:13I am truly disapointed in myself that I have not yet blogged about the Paper Exhibit at the Museum of Art and Design. I went to this museum early on in Octorber and I have to say it was really amazing. When I walked in I thought some of it was paper but was surprised to find out EVERYTHING was made out of paper!! I didn't think it was possible. I mean paper is so fragile and small and everything was so detailed and a lot of it too grand to be simply paper.
If you want to understand what I meant look at this first picture!