Paper Exhibit

I am truly disapointed in myself that I have not yet blogged about the Paper Exhibit at the Museum of Art and Design. I went to this museum early on in Octorber and I have to say it was really amazing. When I walked in I thought some of it was paper but was surprised to find out EVERYTHING was made out of paper!! I didn't think it was possible. I mean paper is so fragile and small and everything was so detailed and a lot of it too grand to be simply paper.

If you want to understand what I meant look at this first picture!

Even looking at it in person everything looks so solid. It did not seem real that this mess of material could really be paper. I mean wouldn't it just fall apart? Paper is fragile, but look how it makes up something so chaotic. The artist used the idea of fragility many times throughout her art work (as I read from the excerpts on the side). What I think this picture is representing is life. Yes that seems so abstract but it makes sense. Our lives are a culmination of different things. However if you seperate it and really look at the make up of each thing that makes up your life, you'll see how fragile it is. The paper used here is extremely fragile. If I were to jump on this and start grabbing at it, it would be ruined. Human life is that fragile. Think of what makes up your life. Relationships, reputation, health. Everything could easily be ruined. Nonetheless as fragil as it all is, together it can build up to form something beautiful. A life.


I loved this piece. When I saw it, I instantly felt sadness. It's so broken and now useless. It cannot provide the purpose of sheilding from the sun or rain. So what is it now? Can it even still be an umbrella? So what is it? Do we lose are meaning once our purpose is gone? What is our purpose? This art piece gave me so many questions!

This is another piece I liked. I'm not sure exactly what it's meant to be but I liked the shadow the paper made. It's like an extension of the art piece. Perhaps it's showing that everything has makes some sort of effect on the world. You cannot exist without leaving a footprint.


I'm not sure if the paper exhbit is still up but if it is I recommend going to go see it. I left the exibit with so many thoughts, well actually questions more than thoughts.