NLopez786's blog


Seeing the Quartet was an interesting experience to say the least. When I first got there I was taken back by how high up we were. I usually don't mind sitting in the back but the seats where we were made me feel like i was dangling over the stage. I was so terrified! It didnt help that the actual seats themselves were high off the floor. Various times during the play my foot would slip off the little pole on the stool and my heart would sink and I would feel as if I was about to plumit to my death. It was very much like a roller coaster ride.

Early morning inspiration

So yesterday I was soo excited to have found my camera (I haven't had it since the end of August and have been forced to use my camera phone for everything!). You can imagine the field day I had uploading the pictures onto the mac and playing around with the editing.

Carnegie Hall

After class a couple of us went with Professor Bergman to see the big auditorium at Carnegie Hall. As soon as I walked in I was amazed. The stage alone was unbelievably beautiful. The emptiness of the stage, except for a grand piano was very inspiring. I felt an urge to run up and just in the middle and take it all in! Of course I didn't, but it was still exciting. Looking out at the seats was also intimidating since there were so many; over 2000 I believe.

The Contrast

Thursday night I went with my friend Ruth from John Jay to the Metropolitan Playhouse. She had to see this play for her English class and had no idea on how to get there. I didn't really know the area either, the theater being in the Lower East side; however, the subway map I always keep with me has made me the expert of the two of us on how to get through the city. 

The National Tribute Quilt

On 66 street and Columbus Ave, Jolene and I passed by a branch of the American Folk Museum. When we walked in the first thing we saw was a massive quilt. Instead of reading the explanation of the piece, my eyes aimed straight for the details of the quilt. I saw patches with names on them. Some were decorated with flowers or curvy lines. Others were more simple: a name against a colored background.

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