Early morning inspiration

So yesterday I was soo excited to have found my camera (I haven't had it since the end of August and have been forced to use my camera phone for everything!). You can imagine the field day I had uploading the pictures onto the mac and playing around with the editing.

This morning, after waking up, I walked to the bathroom and was blinded by the sunrise. However, once I took a second look I absolutley loved the view I saw. I ran back to my room and grabbed my camera (with almost no battery left) and took a couple of photos. I had to open the window and stick my hand out to get the angles I wanted. These photos are of my back yard and my neighbor's yard. I changed some of them, such as the colors and contrast but I just felt that each photograph some how had a different mood to them even though they were all the same thing. 

I realize we have passed photography and are on to theater now but i just can't help sharing these with everyone! =)

This is my back yard. As you can see some of the trees have lost there leaves (a lot of raking to do) while some of them are still very lively and green.

I really like this one because I think the color makes it look like a sunset even though its a sunrise, showing how photographs are not always telling the whole truth. 

This is what I like to call my forest. Because my backyard is so steep and so dense with trees we haven't done anything to it. No one even goes down there because it's actually very dangerous. Nonetheless it's beautiful. It houses so many animals (squirels, birds, raccoons, and probably my bunny that ran away last month) It's like its own little ecosystem. When it's winter time we throw a lot of bread on our porch and it's amazing how many different birds and squirls come to get it. Some of the birds I never see during the year, except for during the months where the trees cannot provide food for them and they must come for their food stimulus on mu porch. I made it very green to exagerate the feeling of a forest (kinda rain forest-ish here) and emphasize how important to life this nature is. If we were to chop down all these trees and make it just a hill of grass as many of my neighbors have done, a lot of animals would be out of a home.

The yellow tree is in my neighboors house. The red one is part of our house. I found these two trees next to each other to be so beautiful. It is like the pure essense of fall! I love all the colors. I especially like that even though there is so much going on in the photograph it still seems like the one yellow tree is alone. It's the only one you can really see the trunk. It seems so alone, yet surrounded by so much, kinda like how the city is in my opinion. When in the city you are almost always surrounded my crowds of people, yet sometimes you can feel like you're the only one alive. Interesting how a picture of nature can reflect such an urban feeling..

This is probably the least edited photograph. I just tweaked the saturation a little. I like how the branches seem to be reaching over to the porch, trying to be a part of my home.

This is the last picture I took. It already had a very strong contrast so I decided to just go all the way and make it black and white. The fact that most of it is just branches reminds me of winter, which is ironic since it is the last picture of the morning. Perhaps a foreshadow of what comes after fall..


I hope you enjoyed my photographs =)