
Decoding Photographic Intention

I must admit, photography is an artistic medium that I never quite had the best understanding of. With painting or performance or music it's irrefutable that the effort that goes into these works requires a motive, an agenda to express a certain idea. But, by pressing a button to snap a picture, I didn't find it as straight-forward. To me, a picture in a gallery put side by side with a picture that had no artistic implication looked the same. Until I attended the John Wood exhibit at the International Center of Photography.

John Wood Photography Exhibit

The photography museum was a lot more interesting then I thought it would be. I think the exhibit was very unusual. The first photograph that we looked at really got me to see that a photgraph is worth a thousand words. When we first looked at it I was like ok its a photo of flowers with a gun in the middle. Whats the big deal with that? It was really cool that the photgraph was more then that. Once we started talking about the photograph I realized how reflective of the time period it was. The whole Vietnam era is one of my favorite times in American history.

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Please make sure to visit the forums and add your thoughts to the discussion... I've also posted some questions about the Kraus reading to jump-start our discussion on Monday.  Questions about the Barthes coming soon!  They will help guide your reading...

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