
Photography Exhibit

Having the opportunity to visit the Photography Museum yesterday was truly a great experience to view “art” in a different form other than drawing and paintings. The day started out a bit complicated for me because I didn’t receive my cultural passport yet. The ticket lady gave me a hard time, but eventually, I was able to pass through because of the kind security guard. After entering the exhibit, I explored around the exhibit with a couple of classmates and realized the art that was contained in all of the photos around.


The Many Different Woods

             Painted in white on one of the walls in the John Wood exhibition at the Center for Photography is a poignant quotation. He states, “I would like my pictures to be abstract and poetic visual images of friends and the world. No story telling.

A Different Kind of Photographer

 I must say I underestimated our trip to the International Center of Photography.  As it turns out though, it was time quite well spent, since it became a complete new learning experience for me. At first glance, the images seemed simple and undeserving of second glimpses; but boy was I wrong. As my classmates began to discuss the photograph with depth, offering a variety of interpretations, my eyes were soon able to grasp the ideas they described with such detail.

International Center of Photography - a new meaning of "art"

 At the International Center of Photography we I saw many photographs and collages by John Wood. John Wood played with photography to send a message to his audience. His collages and pictures were a little controversial and political. I saw one photograph that immediately caught my attention and I knew immediately that this was the photograph I wanted to analyze further and write about. I thought about what the picture represented and what John Wood was trying to say or ask his viewers.

International Center of Photography

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