

Independent Visit 3: Bello's Big Apple Circus


Flatness in Demoiselles d'avignon

 After having seen Demoiselle d'avignon a first time and not having really gotten a lot out of it, it was helpful to go see it a second time after our class discussion, where everything finally was clear to me. I must say that it is a perplexing concept to grasp, the idea that a painting is made to point out that depth cannot be shown on a canvas. However, at the same time, the painting also seems to hint of depth itself, otherwise how could a woman's hand be behind her back or how could she be facing sidewards without there being another side of her beyond that?

A Quartett at Baruch

     I was surprised to find that in Baruch there existed an elevator that only went downwards into the basement which contains nothing more than our own performance space! It really is a breath of fresh air to see some kind of artistic endeavor being pursued at a predominantly business orientated school. The space is gorgeous too. I was impressed by the white washed wall that had quotes about music all alongside it.


I really enjoyed my visit to the MoMA. The Demoiselles exhibit was interesting because it really makes you pay attention to detail. The paintings looked like puzzles that you had to solve in your mind. I liked these 2 in particular:

Finding a woman in "Ma Jolie" was a tough task. The second one made me think of Mardi Gras.

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