Amazing performance at the Quartet

The Quartet was a unique and well performed show. Before I walked into the building, I honestly had no idea what to expect. As I walked into the building, there were many stairs that I had to walk up in order to get to my seats which were located at the very top. It was nothing that i've ever seen before. The seats were so high off the ground that my feet couldn't even touch the floor! Also, the way the seats were set up felt almost as if you were going to fall off. It was quite a unique set up I must say.

As for the performance itself, it was really great show. The actors performed their roles very role. However, I was confused by some of the things that were going on. The beginning was quite confusing, but it was actually kinda cool. Each character came out one at a time and like froze at the table once they got there. The screaming was quite ridiculous as it was frightening, yet cool at the same time. At first I was confused as to why the old man shot the younger man. After the show, a friend explained to me that the old man was the current guy and the younger guy was the the same person except when he was younger. The reason that the old man was shooting his younger self was because he cheated on his wife for the niece who was in the green. Although the performance was in French, I still liked it a lot. The acting was just amazing and it was truly nothing that i've ever seen before. The captions did help somewhat, but I think it would have been better if I actually understood each and every word that they were saying. The repetition of the sentences emphasized the importance of it and it was great. I think there was just one flaw with the performance. I'm not sure if it's true, but I think they were lipping the dialogue. I don't believe that they were the ones that were speaking during the show, at least not at that very moment. Other than that, the performance was one that I will always remember because of it's greatness.