Asia Night at Fordham College at Lincoln Center

This past Friday, my friend invited me to attend an event called Asia Night at her school, Fordham University. The event was organized by APAC (the Asian Pacific American Coalition). My friend was the opening act, so I was even more excited about seeing the performance. The night was filled with awesome vocal and dance performances by students and professional singers and dancers. It was a great evening.

My friend, Stephanie, and her singing partner started the evening off with a song called "Lucky" by Jason Mraz followed by "Just Friends" by Musiq Soulchild. They both sounded great and helped warm up the stage for the next performance by a professional Asian American singer named Alfa Garcia. Her voice was smooth, sweet, and soulful. Her songs were about love and its opposite. It would've been near impossible not to be drawn in by her voice that filled the room and our hearts.

A professional dance crew from New Jersey called Project D Dance Group continued to spice things up with their breakdancing. Their moves were synchronized, upbeat, and in tune with the music. Before their actual performance, I saw them practicing. It was intense and you could definitly see that all their practicing had paid off.

The final performer of the night was a singer named Marie Choi. Her voice blew me away! It was uplifting and passionate. Her songs were also personal, based on real life experiences, which helped me connect to her better. One of her songs was about her loneliness being so far away from home. She was able to hone that emotion and put it into her lyrics. A long period of applause followed her performance.

These artists who performed at Asia Night were inspiring. They were living their dreams, doing what they loved to do. When they themselves were enjoying what they were doing, it was hard for the audience not to as well. I loved Asia Night, and I'm happy I was able to attend.

***I filmed the performances and put together some clips from the evening. Please enjoy! =D It was fun editing~