Auditorium Experience vs. Intimate Hall Room

   In class, we were discussing the differences between an auditorium experience and a small hall performance. Though each carries its own advantages, I feel that the small hall, at least in a symphony concert, far outweighs the benefits of an auditorium. For the most part, the auditorium only has to offer as a major advantage the grandness of its room. Such a large space so eleoquently decorated is not something one can feast their eyes on at any given time. However, the small hall I felt is equally as beautiful in an intimate way. The high ceilings give an atmosphere of ballroom and fine etiquette. The white, creamish walls did not seem blank and empty instead they seemed like art itself. The intricate designs of curves with its gold embrodiering were absolutely breath taking. The moment I sat down I kind of stare at each ceramic design completely transfixed at its beauty. Moreover, the pale teal blue drapes with their yellowish strings were so castle-like beautiful.  As for the roof, it held 3 large chandeliers which gave off a gold crystal light. The room in itself had an essence of Rome. Thus, I believe that the small hall's architecture was an art that one could not help but absorb. It definitely competed with the large auditorium.

   Apart from the beauty of the small hall, there was a sense of being a part of the performance. Since the room was small,each and every movement could be heard. Thus, one felt like they could not move their eyes away from the musicians or else they would disturb the audience. And it was not a horrible deed to have to watch these talented individuals. Being so close and able to view their dedication and love for music through their facial expression made one more appreaciative of the tunes. Sitting in a small hall meant the experience was visual as well as audio. Hence, for the future I recommend that other students witness such symphony in this intimate hall as oppose to an auditorium, in which you feel lost in the audience as just one more body.