Canal Street Subway Station


Most, if not all of us, take the subway each day to get to baruch. But little do we know, there are works of are within each of the train stations. While traveling back to baruch from Chinatown, I came upon a wall of figures in the Canal Street subway station. I found each of these works unique and interesting, so I decided to take a picture of it and write about it in this blog. Not many people care about the works of art that are incorporated in subway stations today, but since I was put in the CUNY arts class, I began to notice more and more works of art that surround me. With the old Kevin, I would just pass by this wall and not care about it at all, not considering the true art that lies within the wall. Many people may not find this wall interesting or meaningful, but to me, each of those figures mean something different. It reminds me of the ancient Egyptians and their form of hieroglyphics. Each of these pictures can remain a different message. 

Train stations have been around for a long time, and no one really knows who created the art within the subway stations. It is not only the Canal Street subway station that holds art, but it is also all the other subway stations. You're bound to come across more artwork whether you're in Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Bronx or Staten Island. All the NYC subway stations have artwork all along the walls. So the next time you go out and take the train, take a look on the wall and observe the art that lies within.