Carnegie Hall Performance

 I'd have to say that my visit to Carnegie Hall (for the first time) was quite bizarre. As I approached Carnegie Hall with a bunch of classmates, we came upon multiple entrances. To our surprise, none of these entrances were the right ones. It took us about 10 minutes to figure out where to go and eventually, we met with Jeremy Geffen, the organizer of performances that take place in Carnegie Hall. I wasn't really interested in what he was telling me because I felt as if he wasn't really telling me much. Because of this meeting, I was not excited for the performance that was to come that night. However, as I entered Carnegie Hall, my perspective had completely changed.

The Chinese Festival was one of the greatest musical shows I have ever seen. The musicians played unbelievably with passion and commitment.  Even though the room was small compared to the main auditorium, it was still enjoyable, maybe even more enjoyable than the large hall. I have seen many musicians play and none of them can compare to the ones that I saw at Carnegie Hall. During High School, I played in my school's Orchestra so I know exactly how each of them feel. During the performance, I was reminded of my times in Orchestra and how my violin playing was 100 times inferior to that of the experts in Carnegie Hall. A few things in the performance were new to me though. The percussionist was a first and that was practically the best part of the performance. The three guys that played were amazing. I had no idea what a percussion was until I went to the performance. It was loud, entertaining and played very skillfully. Another thing was the Chinese drums in the last performance. I feel as if the last performance was the best played because most of the instrumental players were part of it. The clarinet player scared me though. I thought she was going to pass out with her face turning all red. 

Overall, the performance was great. There really is no doubt that the road to Carnegie hall is practice, practice, practice because the players were absolutely flawless!