I Spy...

What you're looking for could be right under your nose, or outside your front door. I took this picture about a week and a half ago. I went out onto the balcony to get some fresh air, and the double-colored tree caught my attention. I thought it was really cool how the leaves were different colors right down towards the center. I thought, "it's too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence!"

Nature takes on so many different forms and expresses itself in numerous ways. These expressions are seen in the changing seasons, the weather, and our very surroundings. The tree is in a transition phase, like the most of us. It's slowly preparing itself for the winter.

There's something else that's interesting about this scene. The tree behind the double-colored one is almost completely barren. The tree on the left bottom corner is still green with all its leaves intact. The double-colored tree is in the center. This is like a portrayal of the stages of life! It also serves as a seasonal timeline.

Nature has the ability to surprise us, but sometimes, we pass by without taking much note of it. It provides us with everything we have. It's no wonder that it serves as a source of artistic inspiration as well!