Snapshot NYC

Snapshot Day was a chance to reflect on our future aspirations. We had to find a place, a neighborhood, that could best describe who we are now and who we hope to become. I had a difficult time while brainstorming locations for my future vicinity. The only thing that I knew I wanted, without a doubt, was for the area to be urban.

I was happy to visit my older cousin's apartment that day in hopes of being inspired. He and his wife live in Long Island City, which is close to Manhattan. I thought that was a good place to start exploring. After eating dinner with them, I went out for a walk nearby. Everything was still and quiet, and the streets were almost completely empty. However, the city itself and the street lights were very much awake. This is one of the reasons that I like night time more. The darkness of the night cloaks the city, making the buildings and lights appear brighter than ever. I want to be in a place, where the night is always busy and the streets are lit with the bustling of people. While I was crossing the street, I stopped. It looked like time had frozen.

The street, as far as I could see, was empty. There were no cars or people. The tall skyscrapers in the distance looked like stars. This was the moment in which I took the photograph. This scene helps define the kind of neighborhood that I identify myself with, with the exception of the silence and lack of people. The lights bring the street to life, taking away some of the stillness and gloom. The buildings in the background touch the sky and define the horizon. The parked cars are all facing my direction, making it appear as if I am either running towards them or on the verge of colliding with them. The photograph speaks about my future aspiration. I am running towards something that I'm unsure of. The buildings could be where I'm headed. As of now, nothing is definite.