String Quartett

To say the truth, the Alexander String Quartet was nothing special to me. It was just another musical performance that I went to go see. Throughout my life, I have been going to many musical concerts, especially strings. I played violin in elementary, middle and high school. I know exactly what is going on during the concerts and I can really relate to the way that each piece if being played. Despite my incapability of playing as well as them, the concept remains the same. Aside from the negativity, I do have some positive things to say about the concert. Each of the five people on stage played very well and put their hearts out onto the stage even though the audience and crowd wasn't so big. I'm sure everyone noticed that before intermission, there were four players. After the intermission, an extra person went on stage making it five people which is similar to the Quartet we went to see at the BAM theater and the Demoiselles d'Avignon at the MOMA. Again, they played with their hearts and performed very well from beginning to end. It's just amazing to see how much more talented the people who perform up on stage are than myself.