Camera Lucida, maxilia

Our review in class today of the book Camera Lucida ushered in a new understanding of photography as a medium in itself. What is a photograph, but a mere capture of a moment. A true moment? Maybe not. But a moment nonetheless. As the author notes, photographs ( portraits in particular) may not be as realistic as they seem. In the sense, that a person no matter how much they resist, is inevitably posing for a picture whether they smile or not, whether they maintain eye contact or not. The mere fact of knowing that they are being photographed changes the individual.

Fall for Dance

We're all going to Fall for Dance on Wednesday the 30th, but I urge you to go to one of the dance talks, especially on Friday:

Innovative Art: John Wood

           Arriving early to the International Center of Photography, I strolled by many works of art. There were a couple of pieces that caught my eye before entering John Wood's exhibit. The pieces had a theme of evil vs. good, dark vs. light, red and black vs. white and naturally God vs. the devil. The photos were nicely color coordinated and strongly characterized between the sins of the world, represented with red and black colors, and the good of the world, represented by light beige and white colors.

ICP Blog

My first visit to the ICP was very interesting. I thought that it wouldn't be something that I would be interested in but was surprised. The discussions were thought-provoking and people's interpretations of the photos were impressive and interesting. I had fun analyzing the pictures myself. I may not be putting myself in the most intellectual light but I never thought analyzing photos could be fun but was pleasantly surprised. ICP is a place I would revisit to not only look at photos but examine and analyze them and try to understand the photographers.

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