painting, music, peformance, museums, photography, baruch, sculpture, public art, writing, Ross, nyc, street art, deborah sebrow, sara, michelle, Natasha, kevin lee, jolene, whitney, Patty, nyc arts, hannah lee, laura, matthew, jerrica, Bobby, Alex , fashion, maxilia, aimee, graffiti, fred, photography's discursive spaces, concert, people and places, bergman, circus, tattoos, stephanie, readings, John Wood, movies, natasha, ICP, MET, camera lucida, who we are

Snapshot NYC

Snapshot NYC for me was a great experience, being able to go to a neighborhood I really liked, take some photos, which I don't normally do, and finally manipulating them to get the right effect. (I won't be saying what I did to leave it a surprise until I present my photos.) This exercise/assignment made me look very closely at the city we live in, and I noticed things I woudn't normally notice such as the kinds of stores, restaurants, and small bits of street art and stickers on street lights that are spread throughout the neighborhood.

Chinese Calligraphy

Created thousands of year ago, Chinese calligraphy has been viewed as the art of fine handwriting. Unlike the western calligraphy, ink blots and some dissimilarties in Chinese calligraphy are natural and many times show meaning and expression of the writer.

Chinese Music at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Today, I went to a lecture at the Metropolitan Museum of Art called "Bamboo and Silk," which was about the history of music in China over the last 8000 years from crane bone flutes from 6000 BCE to the beginning of Western influence in Chinese music starting in 1912 when the Quin Dynasty ended. The lecture, in my opinion, was really dull, but there was a silver lining on that gray cloud when an ensemble of Chinese musicians played some music from various parts of China (but mainly Cantonese) and from various periods of time from ancient to new-ish.

snapshot nyc


 Last Thursday, I attended an ASEDOM club event. ASEDOM is a club dedicated to the dominican community in Baruch. Its event, called "Kumbacarey" was a celebration of the Dominican culture during communist rule, specifically when Trujillo, the country's last dictator was in power. This kind of afro dominican style of music was banned while he was in rule, as were many other things.

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