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Awakenings » Blog Archive » Meet the Artists

Meet the Artists


Jason Cottle and Tori Spelling in Cthulhu, a sci-fi film. 

The Meet the Artists event the other night was a very intriguing program. After a long day of classes, I really did not feel like attending the program. However, at the end of the program I was very glad to have been there.

In accordance with the Arts in New York City program, there was a Meet the Artists event. The event had gone as follows there was dinner, then a lecture by two Macaulay Honors College students and then the main event. The main event was a Panelists of NYC Artists. The Panel included five different genres of artists at different stages in their careers. There was a very young women named Kaitlyn Gilliland, who was a Ballerina, on one side of the panel and then a much older women named Marion Pinto, who was a Painter. Gilliland was at the stage in her career of just reaching her first step to stardom. On the other hand, Pinto has had a 30-year career and has been a recognized artist a quite awhile. The Panel also included three successful men, an actor named Jason Cottle, a musician name Jay Kauffman, and a theatrical properties master named Scott Laule. During the Panel, the artist spoke ten minutes about their careers. The speeches were mostly about what exactly they do, what life is like as an artist in New York City for them, theirs ups and downs in their careers, and some advice they felt like sharing.

The actor was the one that caught my eye. He was so full of energy and excitement, and from the moment he started speaking, the entire auditorium began to laugh. After the panel, I went to the room that Jason Cottle was in for Q in A, which ended up being the room that most of the students flocked to. But Cottle was not the kind of person to sit down and answer questions. He essentially did a performance for us, which actually turned out to be an example of his work. He took the role of the cameraman and brought with him another actor. Using the students and the actor, Cottle shot a scene of a film he was producing. He let us participate in the film as well. I was blown away by his talent. He made it seem like so much fun that I was inspired to become an actor and enter into the movie industry.

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