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Awakenings » Blog Archive » One Word: Magnificient

One Word: Magnificient

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The Metropolitan Opera House is a grand place. It is the perfect stage for Aida to be seen and for Angela M. Brown to sing. Aida at the MET is sensational and the talented opera singers only add to its marvelousness. The stage design in combination with the orchestra make the spectators feel as if they are present at the time and place in which the show occurs. This show really has it all–singing, dancing, music, and art in its stage design and costume design.

Aida is an opera written by Giuseppe Verdi that is four acts long. It takes place in Egypt and is sung in Italian. Aida is an Ethiopian princess who is captured by the Egyptians and turned into a slave. Conflict arises when the general of the Egyptian army, Radames, falls deeply in love with Aida. They are forced to keep their feelings for each a secret specially since the Pharoah’s daughter, Amneris, is also in love with Radames. Amneris actually discovers the love between Radames and Aida and will do anything to end it. To make matters worse, Radames must lead the Egyptian army into war against the Ethiopians. With such volatile situation, a tragic ending is inevitable.

The breathtaking stage design only supplements the exciting plot. There are Egyptian pillars, architecture, and art. When the curtains are open, one feels as though they are in Egypt actually witnessing the tale of Aida. And, what would an opera be without a fantastic orchestra? The music played by the orchestra in Aida is so wonderful that a person can just relish to the music of the orchestra the entire time. The costume design at the MET is second to none. The costumes were like nothing you have ever seen before. It is as if someone has traveled back in time and returned with the clothing of Ancient Egypt. To add to the realism of the play, actual horse were decorated in Egyptian armor and connected to chariots in the scene of the celebration of Egypt over Ethiopia. Everything was done to make this place as realistic as possible.

The opera can be considered a collage of the performing arts. There is singing by some of the best opera singers in the world performing in Aida, including Angela M. Brown, as well as the music of a great orchestra. There is stage design and costume design, which represents graphic art. Dancing is also mixed into the opera, specifically the scene in Amneris’ room and the scene of the celebration after the victory of Egypt over Ethiopia.

Seeing Aida, at the Metropolitan Opera House, is a great experience, especially when you have met the lead actress beforehand. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a breathtaking show. The only real flaw is its unfortunate ending.

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