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Awakenings » 2007» November

Archive for November, 2007

Not to be Missed

Monday, November 26th, 2007

As the multi-faceted chandeliers begin their ascent towards the ceiling and a hush falls over the vast crowd, the audience of Verdi’s Aida must know that what they are bout to experience is an opera like none other. The anticipation builds as the luxurious velvet curtains part to reveal a different people, a different time, a different world. Verdi’s centuries old genius and talent is enough cause for coming to the opera, but add to this mixture an astonishing cast, and Aida becomes a show not to be missed. (more…)

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The New Genre

Monday, November 26th, 2007


The simple, disoriented, and humorous narrative of A Feather on the Breath of God is reflected in the author, Sigrid Nunez.

Daughter to a Chinese-Panamanian father and a German mother, Nunez grew up speaking neither of her parents’ language. Instead, she is proficient in English and became both a teacher and a writer. Her novels are deemed a “new type of fiction” because of her “singular ability to bring the reader to the point of understanding the subject.” She is able to write a compelling fictional story, convincing the reader that every word is dipped in truth. How does she do this? (more…)

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Money at the bottom of that well?

Sunday, November 25th, 2007


Between casting, rehearsing and of course, directing, Ruben Polendo sniffs and hunts down the sweet smell of green – “da money”. If that isn’t quite a workout already, Polendo makes time to speak to a class of Baruch students regarding both his production of Jorge Ignacio Cortiñas’ Blind Mouth Singing, as well as the workings of his non-for-profit theatre organization. (more…)

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It’s Fiction, Folks.

Sunday, November 25th, 2007


She’s the last of her kind. “Yes, I did acid – I did it all,” novelist, Sigrid Nunez, blurted out at Baruch College’s 10th anniversary celebration of the Sidney Harman writer-in-residence program. As the current residing writer, Nunez met with Baruch students, faculty and guests, to read from her latest novel, The Last of Her Kind. Although long past her druggy days, her snappy answers and sharp humor over-powered the students’ question and answer session – nothing less expected from the quirky writer.


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Samuel G. Freedman: The Man Behind the Guilt

Sunday, November 25th, 2007

How do we come to write a biography about someone who’s deceased and won’t show up on a Google search?
Our defiant teenage years are filled with neglect; similar to teachers, we cannot imagine our parents outside of their normal environments, nor do we take interests in it. Spending years after years trying to disregard them, we look to college as a getaway. It is not until much later, when we have settled down with our own family that many seek to reconcile with their parents. For Samuel G. Freedman, an award-winning author, professor, and journalist, this was not possible, for his mother had passed away when he was only nineteen. (more…)

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Thursday, November 22nd, 2007

Angela Brown

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Thursday, November 22nd, 2007

Street Photography Project

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The Motivating Star that Shines Through

Thursday, November 22nd, 2007

After sitting for about an hour listening to Sigrid Nunez’s talk, my mind began to wander. If it can be assumed that Nunez’s book, A Feather on the Breath of God, was pretty factual in describing her life growing up, then Nunez had it rough. She grew up in a lower class family, with a father who barely communicated with her, her sister, or her mother. To make matters worse, Nunez’s family had very little money. But today, she leapt over her obstacles and made it big; she accomplished her dream despite the hardships. (more…)

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Artist & Photographer Presentations

Tuesday, November 20th, 2007

If you would like to turn your PowerPoint presentation into a movie that will play on our blog, follow these easy steps:

1. When your file is open in Powerpoint, click on the File dropdown menu, then select “Make Movie.”
2. Follow the prompts.
3. Upload your file (it will be saved with the extension “.mov”) just as you would an image into a post.
4. Voila! It should work just like the example below.


Email me at cwillse at gmail dot com if you are having any trouble. If you are feeling ambitious, you can also create a Podcast using your images, and you can record your own narration that will play along with the images. This is not required, but anyone who is interested, let me know and I’ll show you how to get started.

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A Feather on the Breath of God? No, Actually Its Acid

Tuesday, November 20th, 2007

Rodolfo Morales

Sigrid Nunez, author of A Feather on the Breath of God and The Last of Her Kind.

The creative process in writing works of literature is one that takes time, patience, and effort. Creating coherent storylines and believable characters is in no way an easy task. Renowned writer Sigrid Nunez can clearly attest to that. Author of such novels as A Feather on the Breath of God and The Last of Her Kind, Nunez recently appeared at Baruch College in celebration of the Sidney Harman Writer-in-Residence Program’s 10-year anniversary.

Nunez, who is the Writer-in-Residence at Baruch College for the fall 2007 semester, read a chapter from her latest novel, The Last of Her Kind, at the event. The novel takes place in 1968 and tells the story of two college girls who become roommates and lifelong friends, but end up taking different paths in life. During the questions-and-answers section of the evening, which took place after the reading, Nunez described her creative process in writing her successful novels. She described her novels as falling under the categories of autobiographical fiction and fictional biography, and explained that while writing, she explores something that has happened to her in the past through the fiction she writes. A perfect example is found in The Last of Her Kind, where the two main characters, Georgette and Anne, attend Barnard College, the very college that Nunez studied in when she was younger. As far as organizing her thoughts before writing them down, Nunez denied ever organizing or planning the individual chapters to her stories ahead of her writing. This same rule applies to the vivid characters she creates in each book. “To me, its like a real life; you don’t have plans, you don’t have ideas, you don’t know how its going to work out,” Nunez explained. Instead, she begins with an idea of main characters and must fill the world around them with other characters. The biggest feat is making the characters and their surrounding environments believable.

Later on in the session, Sigrid Nunez discussed her most dreaded parts of the writing process: reviewing, editing, and publishing. She quickly encouraged all prospective writers to deeply appreciate and enjoy writing, for editing and publishing are the worst parts of the creative journey, or as Nunez most eloquently put it, “all hell.” Nunez was also asked if her characters were a part of her throughout her life. She stated that they were not, and that it was more of a situation where she gave her characters a little piece of herself. However, once she finishes a book, she leaves the characters behind and moves on to create fresh, new characters.

If there were one negative comment to be made about the evening, it would be about Nunez’s responses. Although there was a large amount of time set aside for questions-and-answers, Nunez seemed to deviate away from the true answers to the questions being asked of her. She almost seemed annoyed when questioned about her first work, A Feather on the Breath of God, and quickly moved on to the next questions. Whether this abrupt reaction was caused by unwillingness to answer such questions or because the book was written so long ago is unknown. However, one question that did receive a rather quick and heartfelt response was one of the more comical questions of the evening. A student in the audience asked in reference to a drug reference in The Last of Her Kind “Is it really true that you did acid?” Nunez readily responded, “Yes, I did Acid!”

Some of Sigrid Nunez’s other works of literature include Naked Sleeper, Mitz: The Marmoset of Bloomsbury, and For Rouenna. Nunez announced that her next work of literature is in the making, and it will feature her first male protagonist.

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