About Face
The Big Change
Debbie Apsan
She was sitting on the freshly mowed grass in a little park area on the campus of her new school looking very content with herself, happy with the way her life was working out. But the truth was that she was not always that smiley, friendly girl with whom everyone wanted to befriend. At one point, not so long ago, she was the quiet one that pretty much sat by herself in the back of the classroom, and studied.
Everyone who knew Debbie always said she was a nice, sweet girl, who was extremely studious. She had friends, but they were also very quiet, and did not force her to open up. Public speaking was her true enemy. Well, this was Debbie’s life until eleventh grade, when things began to change. First, she made the cut for varsity basketball, a goal of hers, which she had been dreaming about since elementary school. But most importantly, at this stage in her life, Debbie gained a sense of self- confidence, a feeling that she had never experienced before in her life. Wow, it was amazing! It felt as if a whole new life of freedom had started replacing her old life of silence. She now walked around with her head held high, with a much higher respect for herself. The change was clear to everyone when by twelfth grade when Debbie was the editor of the school’s newspaper, business editor of the yearbook, and most importantly, a starter for the basketball team. But, the moment that brought Debbie the greatest feeling was when she confronted her biggest fear, public speaking. She was asked to be the MC for her senior dinner in front of all her classmates, their parents, and the entire administration, and she said yes, and did an unbelievable job. Why and how did this happen? Debbie herself cannot even answer that question, but while she is very happy with the results, she makes sure she still has time to study.