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Awakenings » Blog Archive » Edward Steichen- The Photography Artist

Edward Steichen- The Photography Artist

Rodolfo Morales

The Flatiron (1905)

Edward Steichen was a photographer who continued to evolve his styles throughout his life.  Early on in his career, Steichen was a painter, but he later moved on to photography, with photos that fell under the category of “pictorialism.”  These photographs usually seemed as if they were painted on a canvas, and they were usually either black-and-white or sepia-toned.  Some well-known wxamples of this style are his photographs “The Flatiron” (1905), depicted above, and “Pond-Moonlight,” the highest selling photograph of all time.

However, Steichen’s style changed after World War I.  His photographs moved from pictorialism to straight photography.  His photographs began to focus on bridges and buildings, depicting them in black and white and with sharper contrasts.  Steichen also began to delve into the world of fashion photography, photographing stars such as Shirley Temple and Fred Astaire.  One of his most famous fashion photographs was that of Greta Garbo taken for Life Magazine, shown below.  Overall, Steichen was an amazing photographer with a lot of talent that can still be appreciated today.

Greta Garbo LIFE Cover

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