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Awakenings » Blog Archive » Angela Brown

Angela Brown


There are few words that can describe the encounter with Angela Brown. She is quite a character and has a brilliant persona. She open up to her audience and allowed us to unite and merge with her. One could not have expected a complete stranger to accept one with open arms like Angela Brown did. She acted as if the audience was her friend and they were getting together for coffee to chat and talk about old times. Her hand gestures and quotes had to be what captured the audience most. Statements such as “come on sugar” and “girlfriend” added to her friendly hand gestures. The quotes and gestures kept the audiences on the edge because one wanted to see what she would do and say next.
One felt as if she did not care about how famous she was, she only cared about life and adding fulfillment to everything and everyone she encountered. She talked about attending church and singing in the orchestra, which added joy to her life. Her modesty was evident because she never considered herself as a great singer, but everyone around her spoke of her potential; she had not “caught up with the vision.” Thus, Angela Brown displayed the qualities of a modest and humble person who felt that “to whom much is given, much is required” and so she always befriends everyone and respects everyone she meets.
Angela Brown reminded one of how great people can be when they want to be. She went through a lot in her life to be where she is now and her hard work and dedication allowed her to reach her greatness. Yet, none of this has hindered her as a person and that is the beauty behind Angela Brown, and why everyone left that room respecting her, loving her and feeling more fulfilled with their lives.

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