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Awakenings » 2007» December

Archive for December, 2007

People Don’t Forget Things, They Just Forget to Remember

Monday, December 17th, 2007


She would have given anything to go back to yesterday when her world was still right side up. Anything to go back to a time when he was still there right by her side, to wake up knowing that she would see his beautiful face, to just be a normal teenager again.


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Abstract Art or Simply Paint?

Monday, December 17th, 2007

Abstract Expressionism is all about rebelling against the norm, standing against Realism. There are many criticisms that abstract expression is just paint thrown on a canvas, though I can’t help but agree that such cases do exist in the MET Abstract Expressionism Exhibit. However, four pieces jumped out, not only attracting to the eye but also stirring the mind. (more…)

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Robert Motherwell

Sunday, December 16th, 2007

Top: Personage (1943), Oil on canvas with other elements

Bottom: Elegy to the Spanish Republic No. 35 (1957-60), Oil on canvas

Robert Motherwell was born on January 24, 1915 in Aberdeen, Washington. He was raised to embrace his rapidly emerging artistic talent. After receiving a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Stanford University, Motherwell began graduate studies at Harvard. This would not last long, for it was a trip to Europe in 1938 that encouraged him to do what he loved – art. In 1941, he moved to Greenwich Village to paint amongst the visionaries of that day who were beginning to explore abstract art. For the next fifteen years, Motherwell developed a signature style using mixed media to create large shapes that spoke to the viewer of life, death, struggle, and victory. His work epitomized his personal and political voice in abstraction. Motherwell usually worked in collage, the first of which were first shown at Jackson Pollock’s own studio. Motherwell was the youngest and most prolific of the Abstract Expressionists.

However, it seemed that for many of these visionaries, the newly found appreciation for artistic innovation could not counteract the turbulence of those early years—many dying young or taking their own lives. Though somewhat alone, Motherwell committed himself to producing highly experimental work of emotional depth for the rest of his life. On July 16, 1991, at the age of 76 he died: the last of the great Abstract Expressionists.

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Streets of Gold

Sunday, December 16th, 2007


She had heard about it from everyone in the town. How couldn’t the streets be lined in gold? After all, it was America, the land where fortunes were made and life was easy. Her friend boasted to her every month how the American money came to her in the mail from her husband who had recently moved there to take up a construction business. Like so many in the town of Sora, Italy, husbands would sojourn to the gilded wonderland, work in the trades they knew best, and send money back to the old country. Her friend would talk about how insignificant the lira was in comparison to the dollar, a currency at that time that was revered for its prestige and exemplary value.

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The Bottom of the Well is in the Basement

Saturday, December 15th, 2007

a_blindmouthvert1.jpgOn the surface, Baruch College is the Mecca of business and finance for all those who make the pilgrimage and attend. The large revolving doors give way to an environment tailored for the commerce of ideas and knowledge relating to those fields of study. It is far too easy to get lost among all the classrooms, lecture halls, computer labs, and the briskly moving occupied suits. Despite some of the efforts of concerned professors, these perceptions embedded in the minds of students are not easy to shake off. But if seeing is believing, then all one who seeks to find what lies beneath the surface has to do, is take the stairs. (more…)

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Saturday, December 15th, 2007

dan_straight1.gifFrom the way it would seem, there are two very opposite poles when it comes to theatre in New York City. On one side of the spectrum you have big budget, grand-scale, over the top Broadway musicals. On the other, there are the small-scale, cramped, and often not-for-profit (or at least not outwardly) productions. As much as I would like to say “Tings Dey Happen” breaks the mold and stands firmly in the middle…I cannot. (more…)

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No Contest

Saturday, December 15th, 2007

n1353540463_30108894_11741.jpg For as long as I can remember, I have loved soccer. I love to play it, love to watch it, and at least a quarter of my wardrobe consists of soccer inspired apparel. It was a natural transition that in high school, I would join the soccer team. There was only one small problem, in my freshman year; my high school consisted of about 200 students…and no sports teams. (more…)

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Protected: Who I Hope She Is Today

Saturday, December 15th, 2007

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Love and Photography

Saturday, December 15th, 2007

The International Center for Photography’s special dual exhibit of groundbreaking war photographers and lovers, Robert Capa and Gerda Taro is not only a thrilling showcase of war photography, but also a moving and inspirational commentary on bravery, dedication, and love. The two story exhibit, featuring countless photos straight from the contact sheets of the two photographers is enlightening and worthwhile. (more…)

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A Devoted Art

Saturday, December 15th, 2007


The International Center of Photography is currently showcasing an exhibition of two notable wartime photographers, Gerda Taro and Robert Capa. The exhibition is a story of two adventurous photographers, who came together and spent a lifetime photographing the events that would eventually become important moments in history. (more…)

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