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Awakenings » Blog Archive » Love and Photography

Love and Photography

The International Center for Photography’s special dual exhibit of groundbreaking war photographers and lovers, Robert Capa and Gerda Taro is not only a thrilling showcase of war photography, but also a moving and inspirational commentary on bravery, dedication, and love. The two story exhibit, featuring countless photos straight from the contact sheets of the two photographers is enlightening and worthwhile.
Perhaps the most intriguing part of the exhibit is the similarity between the works of these two artists. Walking through the exhibit, it is difficult to distinguish between the photos of Capa and Gerda, and, as revealed by the many insightful placards throughout the showcase, this similarity reveals the closeness of their relationship. Having spent years together on the field in the Spanish Civil War, the couple revolutionized the concept of war photography with their bold, matter-of-fact photos depicting scenes of celebration, death, battle, and camaraderie among Spanish revolutionaries.
Interlaced among the photos and contact sheets of these two groundbreaking photographers was a heartbreaking story of romance and dedication that added yet another element of interest to the already intriguing exhibit. Having witnessed the connectedness of the partners’ work and the closeness of their relationship, the tragic story of Gerda Taro’s death in the line of action was even more touching to the visitors of the museum. After years spent working hard to document the Spanish people in the midst of war and gunfire, Gerda Taro was killed during the battle of Brunete in 1937. Leaving behind her husband and her hundred of photographs, Taro’s story lives on with a powerful vividness within the walls of the ICP, and boldly speaks to museum visitors as the walk the halls of the exhibition.
Though there are many shockingly honest photographs of the brutality of war and the desperation of refugees within the exhibit, there is one memorable photo that stays with the audience for an entirely different reason. The photo focuses on Gerda Taro sleeping with her head against a case of photography equipment, looking tired but happy. Underneath the photo, the caption reveals that the photograph was captured by Robert Capa, while the two were in the field together, documenting the war. The reality of their relationship and dedication to the cause of the revolutionaries in the Spanish Civil War speaks especially loud in this quiet, peaceful photo, and resonates with its viewers because of this.

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