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Awakenings » Blog Archive » The Night out at the Met

The Night out at the Met


The Metropolitan Opera was a roaring house on November 5, 2007, presenting the classic love story of all time, Aida. The vocal performers were superb, bringing their voices ringing through the theatre. The most stunning of performers was undoubtedly their leading lady, Angela Brown, who blessed us with a heartfelt performance.
Angela Brown, performing as Aida, and Aida’s Father, gave Amonasro, played by Iain Paterson gave one spectacular performance, as they were reunited after the Egyptians took Aida as a slave.  The performers’ genuine performance was both moving and powerful. This was coupled by the grand stage, which only served to prove the magnitude of the production.
The night spent at the Metropolitan Opera can be expressed only as a dream. Everything from the beautiful ceilings to the high priced beverages added to the theatre’s luxurious feel. People dressed in their best clothes, from designer gowns to glamorous overcoats. Even the seats were set apart from any other theatre, with instant readers for the audience convenience.
However, the true beauty awaited behind those red velvet curtains. Once the curtains departed, the set was unveiled, and what a beauty it was: huge pillars, grandly resurrected temples, and even horses were brought on stage. Once seen, the audience jumped in triumph and cheered with the utmost passion for more.
The vocal performers cannot be missed for their voice alone carried through the depths of the Metropolitan theatre. The incredible ability of these performers to carry out the four-hour show without the assistance of microphones is a notable achievement, and to commit it with such zeal and passion is most rewarding for the audience. The long performance hit some people hard, some even dozing off, but if you asked them what they thought of the performance, they would have all agreed that it was a beautiful performance.

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