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Awakenings » Blog Archive » Sigrid Nunez: An Invincible Mind

Sigrid Nunez: An Invincible Mind

sigrid_2.jpgFirst impressions mean everything. And as many commonly argue, they can make or break you. Yet award-winning Sigrid Nunez, with five novels under her belt, has no problem making a solid first impression. Underneath this ex-ballerina and “wild child,” there lies a charismatic, outspoken woman. A woman secure with her identity in such a superficial, fleeting society. At the moment she opens her mouth, a powerful voice reverberates throughout the room, catching the attention of all eyes and ears.

Through the reading of her latest novel, The Last of Her Kind, the audience soaks up a captivating plot with its eccentric characters. Using Barnard College as the setting, she in that way subtly adds a part of her life within the story. While reading her masterpiece, Nunez displays her enthusiasm and the characters come alive. It’s doubtful when she says, “My greatest joy in writing is finishing,” because from what the audience might perceive, her greatest joy in writing would be writing! She loves what she does and graciously ignores mainstream standards, instead simply writing from within. Her unmistakable ability is not from continuous practice, but from her natural, god-given talent to transform words to have deep, satisfying meaning.
Even A Feather on the Breath of God makes its mark for an unconventional but moving novel. This meditative piece lures readers to experience a protagonist searching for her identity with a nationalistic mother and an aloof father. This regretful mother and wife is subjected to a life saying, “I should have married Rudolf!” versus the distant father never breaking out of his shell towards his family. In dissecting all of the dysfunctional aspects of her family, she shines light on its realistic and poignant beauty. Like a feather blowing free under the wind’s direction, she reveals her life story as it flew from one experience to the next.
Nunez’s one-of-a-kind individuality shines both in person and through the words on paper. While in her presence, this amicable and easy-going personality remains undisturbed in the spotlight. It seems she is not fazed by her fame, but humble and down-to-earth. She does show her vulnerability when she shies away from answering some prying, overreaching questions. Still, she reveals just enough to keep her comfortableness intact. She understandably doesn’t want to give all her secrets away. This star novelist continues to amaze the masses with her bulletproof talent.

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