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Awakenings » Blog Archive » Catch Up With Your Vision

Catch Up With Your Vision


Childhood dreams only come true for a select few individuals. For the rest of the population, life paves the road. Angela Brown is one such example. Though her dream was to perform in musical theater, Angela was guided by life to a career as an opera star. And if asked, she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Angela Brown needed to catch up with her vision. As a child, she sang in a countless number of musical theater productions, though never in opera. Born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana, Angela’s grandfather was a Baptist minister for whom she did much of her work. After years in musical theater, Angela believes that opera took to her, that it was her calling; she just needed time to realize it. “When it’s for you, it’s for you,” said Brown.

When she finally caught up her vision, Angela realized that she was meant to sing opera. This can certainly be confirmed with the New York Times’ appraisal of Brown back in 2004, making her the first opera singer to be on the cover of the NY Times since 1959. In reference to Angela Brown, the NY Times said, “At last, an Aida.” For a woman who had no intentions of ever becoming an opera singer in her youth, being named a Verdi Soprano was certainly a confirmation that she had indeed caught up with her vision.

Today, Ms. Brown performs on the biggest stage on the world, at the Metropolitan Opera House. She also runs, Opera from a sister’s point of view, which was created to demystify opera for those that have never been to an opera. Brown continues taking diction classes for Italian, German, and French as, according to her, “you can never stop learning in this business.”

But her life is far from over. “I’d love to have children one day,” said Angela. “Like in a few minutes.” Her sense of humor, upbeat attitude, and flare all attribute to her wonderful performance as the lead role in Aida. “Opera’s crazy child, but I love it, I love it.”

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