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Awakenings » Blog Archive » Take a Walk with Me

Take a Walk with Me



As I entered high school, I was overwhelmed by everything about it. Going from a junior high school that had 200 students to a school with 4000 other kids was frightening. I literally went from being a fish in a small pond to being an insignificant speck of dust in the universe. With none of my childhood friend by my side, I was starting all over, all on my own. I was constantly struggling and so I began writing and it became my escape. Everything I felt filled pages after pages with anger and fear. Sometimes I sat down and reread everything and began wondering why I was letting these fake people get to me. We tend to forget the bad and just remember the goods, but with these written words, I was slowly learning from my mistakes.

In my collage, I made it into a book that you have to open, a symbol for taking a peak into my mind. Inside the notebook, I split the page in half. One side is titled “fear”, filled with drama and dark thoughts, while the other was titled “strong”, which were all the good things that kept me going. I put “falling in love” in between, because it was the most significant thing that inspired much of my writing. It was something that I feared and tried to run away from, but it gave me so much strength.

I picked that notebook cover because it was so colorful and bright, like how I appear to people. The stuff inside is more dark and personal, something that I often keep a secret, and don’t let many see. I decided to pick the red theme for fear, because it represented blood, something that many have spilled in their struggle to find themselves. The eye is widening as if filled with fear. For “strong”, I went with yellow and blue, which seems like such triumphant colors and I love how red the lips are, it represents the strength and power of a woman.

I titled this piece, “Take a Walk with Me”, because I’m allowing the viewers into my mind, and giving them a mini-tour of my world. Everything in that collage represents something that has happened in my life that I will never forget, a driving force behind my writing and myself as a person.

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4 Responses to “Take a Walk with Me”

  1. Jessica C Says:

    Hey Lunar,

    that “strong”is from seventeen mag isn’t it? haha because i have that same issue too.
    I really like how you kind of rebelled against the traditional two dimension collage and made yours a three dimensional one. the colors of the berries (are they?) in the cover are really vibrant, and the inside doesn’t disappoint with the colors either. Great job on bold piece!


  2. (Cathy) Jiayan Says:

    Hey Lunar,

    I remember when you showed me this book in school, I was amazed! I found making a book very “outside the box” because you did follow the criteria of 8 1/2 x 11 yet you also expanded it. I found your theme to be very universal because many teenagers suffer the same angst. You stated that you chose a bright and colorful cover page because that’s how you want people to view you as, and I have to agree. Every time I see you in IDC, you always have a cheerful smile and crinkles around your eyes–evidence of a real smile. In fact, that’s how I first met you in FRO too!

    Good job!

  3. Jessica L Says:

    Hey Lunar!! Your collage looks great and I feel that a lot of people can relate to its message. I also liked the fun colors and pictures you incorporated. Your creativity really shows with this project. Nice job.

  4. Leonel Says:

    I love it! This collage illustrates the constant struggle that one has to deal with in life. A person has to be strong enough in life to confront the fears that one is presented. Truly and honestly this was nicely constructed and the theme is one that anyone can identify with.

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