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Awakenings » Blog Archive » “Spring Awakening” In Late Summer

“Spring Awakening” In Late Summer

spring-awakening1.jpg          Though it’s been several months since I have seen “Spring Awakening” the experience still holds some very fond memories for me.  It was the first Broadway show I had seen in quite a while.  I had heard about how fresh and entertaining the musical “Spring Awakening” was and I had wanted to see for myself if all the hype was warranted.  I mean, they don’t just hand out Tony Awards like candy on Halloween, right?  Eight of them must mean that this show is something unique, something groundbreaking, something evolutionary, and perhaps even revolutionary.  Through some fortunate circumstances, eventually a ticket found its way into my hands.  With anticipation heavy enough to smell I sat down in my surprisingly good seat and waited for the magic to begin.  So did “Spring Awakening” live up to all the hype?

            No, it went beyond it.  First of all, the music was rock.  It wasn’t pop rock, light rock, synth rock, or even rock masquerading as an opera (as is Phantom of the Opera’s particular style of music); it was heavy, close to the bone, rock and roll.  And I loved it.  I loved every minute of it.  It’s safe to say that “Spring Awakening” was the best rock concert I’ve ever been to.

            Next, the acting: superb from all sides.  Every actor in the cast portrayed their character with verisimilitude skillfully.  It’s also important to mention the lighting on and around the set.  It was almost as if the lights, their ambient effects, and the emotions they helped convey became their own character.

            I have nothing but good things to say about “Spring Awakening.”  Not even taking into account the appearance of a well-developed breast, anyone with even the slightest inclination towards good taste will find something to enjoy in the show.      


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One Response to ““Spring Awakening” In Late Summer”

  1. Andrew Says:

    Unfortunately, I missed the play and was not sure if I should check it out. I knew it had a good plot, but combined with the amazing acting and music you describe, I feel like this show really has it all and I would really miss out if I don’t see it.

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