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Awakenings » Blog Archive » High School Decision

High School Decision


Choosing a school is an important decision that many students have to make. For me, choosing my middle school and college were easy as I was accepted into my number one choice for both. But life wouldn’t be interesting if all choices were easy, so somewhere between middle school and college, I had to pick which high school to attend.

The choice: Midwood or Brooklyn Tech. Each has a good academic reputation, with Brooklyn Tech possibly being the superior as it is considered a specialized high school. The curriculums, sports, clubs, etc, were also evenly matched. The major difference was travel time, with Midwood only being a 15-minute drive while Brooklyn Tech was a 20-25 minute train ride. The prospect of driving to school senior year was too glorious of an opportunity to pass up, and looking back, I have to say it really was glorious. But besides just driving to school for a year, Midwood really did provide me an experience that would have been different, and in my opinion, not as an enjoyable. Sophomore year, I joined the Lacrosse team, a prospect not available at Brooklyn Tech. I spent two hours everyday for two and a half years playing lacrosse, surely that had a great impact on my life. While I didn’t keep many close friends from Midwood, I do continue seeing a girl, a relationship that will soon reach the one-year mark.

Looking back, I have no regrets at the decision I made. I can’t really describe the last four years except saying they were, “pretty good.” Might things have been better at tech? I highly doubt it. Might they have been worse? I believe they would have been, and for that, choosing Midwood was the right choice.

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