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Awakenings » 2007» December

Archive for December, 2007

Research Is Key

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007


Commonly the most boring part of writing any work of literature is the research. Many writers believe that research acts as a detriment to creativity. From students to professionals, writers will agree that research is boring and most importantly time consuming. Or is it? (more…)

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The day of leave

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007


The story of an immigrant leaving home for their new country can be seen and heard everywhere in New York City. Every immigrant has their own unique story; my father is among them. When I told him that I wanted to write a short story about a pivotal moment in his life, I suggested his army days but he told me that they did not really shape the person he is today. After much debate my father was victorious in convincing me that I should write about the days in which he immigrated to the United States. The story does not end in America however, it ends when my father arrived in Italy awaiting immigration to the US. (more…)

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All’s Fair in Love and War

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007


“This Is WAR!” Or is it? A display of photography from times past, tugging at the souls of even the most steadfast war hawks. Robert Capa and Gerda Taro, two prominent names in war photography, have been reunited in a stunning exhibition – their works, that is. The exhibition is comprised of photographs taken during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1938), the Sino-Japanese War (1938), and World War II (1944-1945); these dates do not reflect the actual dates of the wars themselves, but rather, the dates the photojournalists were photographing them – Taro only covered the Spanish Civil War, because while covering the retreat of the Nationalist forces during the battle of Brunette (July, 1937), the car that Taro was riding was sideswiped by a tank, and she passed away.. Through their distinct techniques and photographic innovations, the events that transpired are brought back to life before our very eyes. (more…)

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Shopping in NYC

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007

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Home to the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, and the American Stock Exchange, New York City is undoubtedly the financial capital of the world. And what do people in the financial capital of the world do with their money? They spend it. From those tables on the sidewalk selling knock-offs to the upper class stores which require appointments, shopping in the Big Apple can be fun, fast paced, slow, boring, you name it. Hence my theme, Shopping in NYC, has to do with just that, with the primary focus being on the people themselves. (more…)

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We’ve had the Wong image…

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007

“It was the land of dreams; talks had it that there were mountains of gold, even the streets were lined with them.” Or so they said. People were flocking to the United States in droves, in pursuit of this dream. But what this country really offered; was not instant riches, but rather, opportunities. Many came, but success came only to those who worked hard to achieve it. “Yes, life was harsh at first, but compared to how it was back there, the hardships seemed trivial.” (more…)

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Philip diCorcia: American Photographer of Fact, Fiction, and Fantasy

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007

Philip-Lorca diCorcia is an American photographer known for his work that blurs the line between fact and fiction. Throughout his career, diCorcia has manipulated lighting to create highly, meticulously staged scenes look realistic.





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Tings Dey Happen, So What?

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007


       “Tings Dey Happen,” a controversial, yet compelling play concocted by Dan Hoyle. It takes place in the war ravaged, conflict prone area of West Africa known as the Niger Delta; more specifically, Nenbe Creek. A wondrous road trip to a place where governments can be bought and the patriarch no longer holds a substantial role or status. A place where oil politics makes the world go round and civil uprisings are as abundant as salt water in the ocean. In a 90 minute excursion taken alongside a graduate student, we obtain a glimpse deep into the mysterious world of oil politics. (more…)

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What’s it got to do with God?

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007


      “Fiction writers often use autobiographical info in their books.” – Sigrid Nunez. In describing the style in which she created the worlds that exist in her novels, Sigrid Nunez also provided us with insight into her own life. As portrayed in her comment, Nunez draws ideas from both her life and from fabricated stories in order to produce her novels. This technique is present in several of her novels, such as, A Feather on the Breath of God and The Last of Her Kind. Both of which contain fragments of her life, and many more indirect references to it. (more…)

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Who’s your mommy…

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007


    An author once wrote a novel about his mother. It was a task undertaken in order to explore the life of his mother, a means to connect with someone whom he felt he neglected throughout his life. The author’s name is Samuel Freedman, and his book, titled Who She Was: My Search for My Mother’s Life, was dedicated to the memory and discovery of who his mother was as an individual. In his words, “I didn’t realize how little I knew about my mother until she passed away.” However, instead of wondering who she was, there is the question of who he is. (more…)

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Abstract? Or just Weird?

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007

    When viewing abstract art, many cannot help but to wonder, “What is going on here?” Quite frankly, this is a perplexing issue that plagues the majority of the works stemming from the abstract impressionism period. The peculiar choice in the portrayal of images is the distinct trademark of this period of art; usually an aberration or drastically deformed. However, all art is instilled with beauty – in interesting ways, for this case. The Metropolitan Museum of Art houses a gallery dedicated to modern art, with works from painters such as Jackson Pollack, Willem de Kooning, etc. Moreover, it is a welcome break from the more ancient pieces that are displayed throughout the rest of the establishment. (more…)

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