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Awakenings » Blog Archive » “They can because they think they can”

“They can because they think they can”


The title of this piece was uttered by Virgil and illustrates the vision and perspective of the people that run “Blind Mouth Singing.” The play was produced by the non-profit organization Naatco and directed by Ruben Polendo. Mr. Polendo’s decision to direct “Blind Mouth Singing” was due to the how it stood out and held certain characteristics that engulfed him. He could not stop thinking about the play and thus decided that it was the right project to adopt and develop. Clearly with a $60,000 budget he had to be able to stretch a dollar and find actors with the right persona. Since it is through the actors that a play’s success lies, with mediocre and scanty actors the play will be ordinary and dull. Similarly, with brilliant and luminous actors the play will be attractive and captivating.
The non-profit organization selected the right combination of actors to represent the characters of “Blind Mouth Singing”, specifically Jon Norman Schneider, who plays Reiderico. Meeting Mr. Schneider and having the opportunity to observe him act out one of his more popular monologues revolutionized my perception of acting, while at the same time revealing that Mr. Schneider was perhaps the perfect person to play Reiderico. Mr. Polendo stated that once he encountered and conversed with Mr. Schneider, he knew that Mr. Schneider possessed the traits and qualities needed to play Reiderico; it all depended on whether or not they would get along. Luckily they did. Through Mr. Schneider one is able to notice the skills necessary in acting, such as having the ability to construct a fourth wall and block out the audience, while at the same time imagining the setting of the play and selling the setting to the audience so that they can visualize it as well. Mr. Schneider has perfected this art, because throughout his five minute monologue one felt as if he were back in the Baruch Performing Arts Center, with the lights dimmed low and Reiderico talking to his antithesis down in the well. The whole experience was powerful and addictive. Therefore, I learned to value the art of acting and enjoyed the encounter and experience with Mr. Schneider, but behind the scenes running a non-profit organization is not all fun and games.
The difficulties of running a non-profit organization are evident once one interviews an owner of one such as Mr. Polendo. One will not argue that the $60,000 budget to produce “Blind Mouth Singing” is a petite amount of money, but after witnessing “Blind Mouth Singing” one will also agree that with the right personal and minds anything is possible. Mr. Polendo educated the audience by informing them that the financing for a non-profit organization is slim and comes from five main areas:
1. Donors
2. Grants- foundation grants, project grants, and/or state grants
3. Events- benefits, fun raisers
4. Income- ticket sales
5. Corporate Sponsorship
Yet with all these forms of financing, Naatco was able to accumulate only $60,000 and one could only imagine the costs of paying for the theater, the actors, the props, and so on. However, the play “Blind Mouth Singing” shows that even with a low budget relative to that of Broadway productions, a play with Broadway caliber can be fabricated.
Witty and entertaining, “Blind Mouth Singing” explores the fine line between fantasy and reality. Is Reiderico’s imaginary friend, Lucero, a real person who lives in the bottom of the well? Not necessarily, but rather who Reiderico wants to be. Reiderico decides to embody Lucero, so he helps Lucero out of the well and takes his place at the bottom of the well. Paralleling the process of having one’s subconscious surface and take the place of one’s current persona. Thus, Reiderico can display the confidence that he desired to have and his family even noticed a difference in Reiderico’s persona. The play successfully illustrates the inner struggle of Reiderico, something that the audience can relate with because the majority of people want to display the qualities of dominance and leadership that Lucero portrays but find they embody Reiderico, a calm and tranquil follower.
Overall, “Blind Mouth Singing” is a work of genius that is captivating and charismatic, not just because of the script and storyline but more because of the actors and actresses. Let us remember, “they can because they think they can” (Virgil) and without this perspective the owner and participants of Naatco would have never been able to put together and accomplish so much with so little.

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