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Awakenings » Blog Archive » Brilliance


New York, NY, Oct. 31 –She doesn’t come from a star-studded family history, or a glamorous city. She doesn’t have a team of bodyguards surrounding her, or the paparazzi attacking her. She doesn’t have an attitude either. She’s Angela M. Brown and she’s brilliant.

To speak to her face-to-face was a privilege. Her presence was awe-inspiring and her mannerism was energetic and fun. And boy did she have a sense of humor. Who would have thought that a big-time opera singer would demonstrate the difference between classical song and pop tunes with a few lines of Brittany Spears’ “Oops! I Did It Again!” She spoke with a humility that is unparalleled. She was just an ordinary person talking with friends.

Whatever she lacks in namesake is distinctly made up for in talent. Hailed as the first Verdian Soprano to be discovered in the last thirty years, Ms. Brown has an epic voice. Only one note is required for her to make you awestruck in pure aural bliss. Born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana, Angela Brown was the daughter of a Baptist minister and a multifaceted mother – artist, nurse, and singer. She grew up in modesty with a love for gospel music and musical theater, and a dislike for, what else, classical music. However much she didn’t enjoy opera, she took to singing it unbelievably well. This talent was revealed during her college years at Oakwood College in Huntsville, Alabama. She then pursued her dream of being a professional singer vigorously, working her way through local and national singing competitions. This lead to an audition for the Broadway musical “Dream Girls.” Just the experience of making it that far was enough for her to have realized that she could go further and reach higher. Her next step was an audition at the Metropolitan Opera. While being assessed at the Met, she made a lasting statement to the audition coach: “If you hire me, I’ll make you proud.” In response, the coach said, “Why yes, I think you will.” The rest is history.

Her latest endeavor is the lead role as Aida in the Metropolitan Opera’s Aida. She plans to continue to expand her career from there, with the possibility of a movie role or even as an advertising figure. But as for now, she is happy in opera. As she stated, she never would have thought that she would be doing this, but opera is what blesses her now. “Opera is crazy, child. But I love it!”

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