From The Integration of Dominican, Chinese, Russian and Mexican Immigrants in NYC

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From "La Mitad Del Mundo" to the "Big Apple"

In 1993, I flew into JFK with my family unaware of my immigration from Ecuador to the United States. My parents came to this country to provide a better future for me and my sister. From the moment they entered the country they worked and strived for the American dream. 17 year later, they are proud homeowners and both speak English very well. As I grew up I spoke only spanish at home but picked up English very quickly once I started school. After one year in ESL classes, my english was just as good as any other kid in my school. I worked hard in school and tried my best to make my success worth my parents' efforts and sacrifices. I now consider myself a proud Latino American and I continue to work hard to make my parents and my dreams come true.
