From The Integration of Dominican, Chinese, Russian and Mexican Immigrants in NYC

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Name HaeMin Yum
Date of Birth July 11, 1990
Birthplace Seoul, South Korea
Location New York, NY

Hello. My name is HaeMin Yum. I was born in South Korea on July 11th, 1990. My immigration was rather sudden due to a family issue; my mother was busy working and my grandmother passed away, leaving my sister and me in no hands to be cared for. When I immigrated to America, I was a twelve-years old. As soon as I moved in, I enrolled in an elementary school as a sixth grader. I was a year older than everyone else but guidance counselor suggested that I would integrate easier, staying in a single class with same people for half of the day. Yet, there were still many difficulties I encountered, such as both internal and external racial discrimination, cultural differences, and language barrier. However, with a help of my family and friends, I came to adapt to the American society. Sometimes, these two different cultural backgrounds collide with each other in various situations. I am still in process of learning how to balance them.